New Employee&No Promotion

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Being the only female working in a men's store is kinda intimidating. And annoying. Most customers get rather shy and don't ask me for help. Mainly because they could be embarrassed about their shoe size, or clothes size, who knows.

But I try my best to be as kind as possible, I'm not sexist or discriminating, I'm just a normal employee.

Either way, I kinda wish to be the manager or at least the supervisor. I believe I am the most hardworking one here, most of the other MALE employees sleep on the job. Or better yet goof off and do absolutely nothing.

It's frustrating but I don't complain.

The manager walked in, some of the employees that were on their phones and slacking off got straight to work.

I scoffed and shook my head as I went to my position.

Manager: Good morning everyone.

"Good morning" everyone said.

Manager: Glad to see all you up and early ready to make some sales.

Guy#1: You bet!

Guy#2: Yeah, you won't be disappointed.

He should be. I'm the one who makes him sales more than anyone else here.

Manager: That's what I like to hear, anyway, I'd like to announce our new friend who'll be joining us.

I crossed my fingers, please let it be a girl, please...

Manager: Everyone, welcome Kim Namjoon.

All: Hey! Sup! Aye~


Another male.


Why do I even bother getting my hopes up?

Namjoon: Thank you, I'm glad you chose me for the job.

Manager: Well your resume was rather impressive, now I'll assign someone to train you for the week.

Everyone avoided eye contact.

These babies. I'm not surprised they're not trying to get picked. They wouldn't even know how to train the poor guy.

Manager: Misty.


I looked. "Yes?"

Manager: Will you be a sweetheart and train our newbie?

Everyone else looked at me and smiled, some even giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure manager.. I don't mind." I said in a easy tone.

Manager: Good, well back to work everyone.

Namjoon: Thank you again, sir.

Manager: No problem. Oh! And I will give out promotions at the end of the day.

With that everyone went back to being lazy besides me.

I swear I better get promoted or so help me-


I turned. "Hi.." I smiled.

Kim Namjoon, this guy isn't half bad. In fact he's actually pretty cute. I kinda have to look up at him, he's really tall.

"You don't have to guide me through everything, just get me started on something small, I'll handle it from there." He smiled.

I like his dimples. They're cute.

"Sure. Follow me." I said and went to the shoe section.

"These shoes that are spread out belong in their own boxes. Some customers are really messy but we can't blame em. So all you need to do is," I picked up a shoe, "See this number?"

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