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I awoke nice and refreshed.

My straight hair is still in tact but I'll put it in a low pony tail today. Maybe I'll put on a little make-up. I mean, after last night, I always want to look good in front of Namjoon.

The way his eyes would trail around my face admiring every detailed feature. He even liked the little beauty mark on my right cheek he poked it.

I smiled to myself. Namjoon and I really hit it off last night. I wonder if he actually took my advice and broke up with his girl.

Who knows

Suddenly I remembered about Salma, she wasn't home when I got here last night. What time did she get in? I hear her snoring loud and clear. I yanked the sheets off my legs and got out of bed and went to her room.

I opened the door and there she was.

Still with her jacket on, boots, even her purse over her. What time did she get home? She looks like she just came in and slammed herself on the bed.

I shook her. "Get up." I said.

She didn't move.

"Salma!" I shook her more. "Get up!"

She groaned and kicked. "Go away..." she whined.

I sighed. "It's 7:00am, get up now or you'll be late for work."

She muttered something but I didn't get it.

Whatever. She can pay her own consequences, I have to go to work.

I got dressed and got a little dolled up, I even put on earrings since Namjoon likes it.

I grabbed my purse and went to the kitchen, to my surprise Salma was there preparing herself some coffee.

I put down my purse at the counter.

"Good morning!" She said happily.

"Suddenly you're awake now?"

She tilted her head. "Huh?"

"Nothing never mind. What time did you come home last night?"

Her eyes widen a bit and she looked away nervously as she sipped on her coffee.

I raised and eyebrow. "Salma...tell me."

She looked back at me. "12.."

"I was home by then, what are you hiding? Where did you go?"

She looked away. "I was just out ok?"

"Yeah. I know that. Out with Namjoon's friend, where did you go?"

Salma placed her mug gently on the table and walked. "I have to get to work."

Before I could block the entrance she ran out. "Argh. Salma!"

"Just go to work!" She yelled.

She's hiding something. I know it.

Without thinking I grabbed my purse and left for work.


-At Work-

Namjoon isn't in today.

The day I actually look cute for work and hes not here ㅜ.ㅜ

I wonder if he's ok? It's very unlikely for him to be out. I mean I know it's like day 3 on the job for him but still, he would not just take a day off that quickly.

Supervisor: Those shirts aren't folded correctly, Misty.

I rolled my eyes. "Like you would even know how to fold a shirt." I said as I continued to organize the shirts on display.

The Co-worker I Fell For《BTS RAP MONSTER FANFIC》Where stories live. Discover now