Baby&You again

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-1 year later-

I got off board and entered the airport.

I took a deep heavy breath.

Hello again L.A.

Man did I miss it here. New York will forever be my home but L.A. will forever be my preference.

I sure did get a break though, a whole year actually, I feel like I'm different now. A much better version of myself.

Salma kept in touch with me.

She had her baby!

It's a beautiful boy, she named him Zack, Hobi and her made such a cute mixed baby. She refused to come visit me so I never got meet the little guy.

But hopefully I will soon, she doesn't know I'm back.

I'm back for good.

I managed to get a cab and go surprise the new mother.


-@ the house-

Ok. I took a deep breath before knocking.

"Who is it?"


"Is Salma home?" I asked.

The door swung open.

His eyes widen as I smiled.

"Misty! Oh my god you came back!" He embraced me fast.

I chuckled. "'s nice to see you too."

He pulled away. "Wow you're looking better than ever. Been working out?"

I nodded. "Staying healthy is my lifestyle now."

It really is, it was hard at first but I got the body of my dreams. Who knew being sexy would open so many doors for you.

He smiles, "You look great."

Salma: Babe who is it?

I always wondered when the day will come where I see my best friend holding on to a baby of her own.

We locked eyes and the feeling was overwhelming. Salma immediately ran to me after screaming my name and hugged me so hard I almost choked.


I laughed. "I missed you."

She pulled away and adjusted her baby.

Salma: Why didn't you call!

"I wanted to surprise you duh?" I smiled at the cute chubby baby. "Is this Zack?"

She nods. "This is he, say hi Zack~"

Zack: *blankly stares*

I laughed. "Aww he's so cute!"

Hoseok: Come inside, Misty.

Salma held my hand and escorted me in while Hobi carried in my bags.

Salma: What brings you here? How long are you here for?

I sat with her on the couch. "I decided to come back."


"What?" I asked.

Salma: So you're staying. For good?

"Yep! New York was nice, being by my family and all, but I mean...L.A has much more. I missed it and I missed you."

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