Suicide&A Twist

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-Namjoon POV-

Jessica has no idea whose she's messing with.

I don't understand why she had to go to the extremes, all I did was break up with her? What more did she want?

Enough is enough, she has got to be stopped before she decides to do something much worse and or brutal.

The thought just triggers me.

As I drove into the highway, my phone rang.


I took a deep breath and answered my phone, "Hello?"

"On your way to see me?" Jessica asked.

"Where do I meet you?" I asked furiously.

"Hey, don't put an attitude with me, I'm capable of almost anything, in case you haven't noticed."

"Just answer my damn question, Jess." I said.

"East 90. Come alone."

"I'll be there in 10." I assured.


-Misty POV-

Salma and Hoseok gladly let me stay at their place after we went down to the police station and turned in the evidence. They're finally filing an investigation on Jessica, unfortunately she's fled.

I tried to contact Namjoon but he isn't answering any of my texts or calls, I'm beginning to get a little worried.

I checked my phone to see if he's at least replied and nothing.

My best friend walked inside my guest room with a cup of hot cocoa in her hand, "I made your favorite~"

I smiled faintly as I grasped the mug from her and took a sip, "You remembered." I said.

"Heh. I guess I did."

She sat beside me and rubbed my back, "You're so tense."

I sighed, "I know."

Salma rested her head on my shoulder, "Don't worry so much, we'll get that hoe."

"Namjoon hasn't called..." I said and lowered my head.

Salma sat up straight and looked at me, "He's probaby killed her and is now burrying her body in the middle of no where. Nothing to worry."

I scowled at her, "Don't say that, he isn't capable of that kind of crime. What if she has him held hostage?" I asked.

"Jessica? Holding Namjoon hostage?" She retaliated.

I nodded as I took another sip.

She rolled her eyes, "Please, as if that short piece of stick has the ability to fight against a 6 foot giant."

"She has an accomplice. It's possible, you never know."

"I wouldn't worry if I were you.."

"Ok but you're not me so.."

She sighed, "Sorry."


Salma hugged me once more, "Just get some rest, please. Namjoon is ok, I'll wake you up if anything."

"..sure." I uttered and laid down on the bed.

My friend left the room leaving the door slightly opened.

I took a deep breath and snuggled under the covers.

Namjoon, wherever you are please get back safely. Don't fall for any of her traps.

The Co-worker I Fell For《BTS RAP MONSTER FANFIC》Where stories live. Discover now