Another Break In&Obvious Target

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-Misty POV-

After Salma and Hoseok came forward about their secret, we all stayed and celebrated with drinks.

Namjoon looked happy for his friend, as did everyone else.

Salma looked like she was content enough, but this is just the start.

She'll need time to start adjusting and time to accept her condition.

In the meantime, I'm low key going to try and figure out who caused all this.

Kevin told me it wasn't exactly an accident, so that just means it was done purposely.

I am going to find out who.

Namjoon might not be on board with the idea so I won't tell him.

However, I'm gonna need help...

But from who.

None of his friends are an option because I know they'll just tell Namjoon.

And Salma might not even want to help me, so it's really all up to me.

But that's ok, I can do this on my own.

"Misty come here!" Salma cheered pulled me towards her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Talk to me." She said and smiled.

I smiled back, "Ok.. what should I say?"

"Anything. It doesn't matter."

"Hm ok then. Uhm... how do you feel now with everything being revealed?" I asked.

She thought, "Hmm... good I guess? No one yelled at me or anything so it's a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm so happy you helped me overcome this, it just shows that you really are my best friend."

"Of course. Cross my heart hope to die, remember?"

She giggled, "Did I say that?"

"Ever since we were teens. Yuh."

She hugged me, "I'm so glad you're my best friend."

I'm glad too. Which is why I am going to hunt down the hoe that did this to you.

We pulled away, "Let's go have a toast." She said happily.

"Yeah sure." I say.

It brings joy to me that my best friend is smiling for real and happy.

Hoseok held her and admired her.

I really can't just let this go, I must find out who the hell is behind this.

I don't even care what I have to go through.

The night was young, but Namjoon and I decided to go home early.

"Thanks so much for everything." Salma said and hugged me goodbye, "Call me tomorrow so we can hang. Promise?"

I nod, "For sure. I wouldn't miss it."

She smiled widely, "Great, bye Namjoon!" She waved.

I hopped in the car as Namjoon waved back, "Stay safe!" He told her.

Salma carried her baby as Hoseok stood next to her, smiling with joy and waving goodbye as we drove off.

They're such a happy family.

I sighed, "I'm annoyed." I admit.

"Annoyed?" Namjoon retaliates, "Annoyed how?"

"Who the hell would do this?"

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