Chapter Twenty Six

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Sorry guys. I know it's been more than a month since I updated but it seemed everytime I would sit and write my mind would just go blank. I hope this is okay<3 Sorry for the wait c;

Enjoy lovelies;)


~Layla's POV~

~Chapter Twenty Six~

"Pleaaaaaaaaasseeeeeee." Jason still hasn't told me where we're going and every time I make the please a little longer he seems to just smile and each time it gets longer his smile gets bigger.

"As cute as you're being I'm not going to tell you." He chuckles at my trying to be puppy face. Damn. It always works.

"Fine." Crossing my arms like a child I pout too not even looking at Jason's direction.

"Aw is wittle weyla upset?" Jason coos. Damn it. Why does he have to be so darn cute?! It's so hard to be mad at him when he's cute.

"Now little cute Layla. Wear this sleep-y night thing." He seems to hand me an eye fabric that girls happen to wear. I've seen them in the clichè sleepovers on TV but I never knew the thought to buy them. They just annoy me. You wake up and you see black. Woo?

Huffing I grab it and put it over my eyes. Then I hear Jason remove his seat belt and the sound off this baby's door opening but not mine. Just after that thought I hear the sound of my door opening. Then a figure leaning on top of me un-doing my seat belt ever so slowly.

As if recognition takes over my face as I smell the oh so famous cologne Jason wears. I suck in a breath at the close proximity.

"There we go." I hear Jason whisper his voice centimetres away from my face. As if testing my theory I move my head a little forward and accidentally kiss Jason's cheek.


Blushing madly I awkwardly laugh and feel the temperature cool down because I feel Jason back away. Grabbing my hand he guides me telling me to be careful because of the 'ground' beneath us.

It seems really uneven..

"Take a step. With your right foot." Lifting my right foot I feel the ground rise high because I'm currently stood on a step.

"Take about seven more." Following Jason's whispering voice I carefully take seven more steps careful not to fall over how close me and Jason are.

Oh and you're blindfolded..

Oh yeah. I'm blindfolded. How could I forget?

I see Jason walk away from behind me and muttering something along the lines of 'don't remove the blindfold gorgeous' Nodding. I hear Jason walk back to my side.

"You can remove your blindfold." I hear Jason whisper in my ear. Taking off the blindfold with shaky hands I feel a deep worry feeling rise inside of my stomach. What if it's a bad date? And not make me not like Jason anymore?

Removing it fully I finally let my eyes focus on the sight in front of me and gasp. It's absolutely mind blowing. We were on a balcony platform. On a gorgeous beach with a private restaurant made fully out of glass. Looking over back at the beach I see the sun is about to set and it looks absolutely beautiful. I always wanted to witness a sunset as dazzling as this one and it seems all Jason is doing is filling my dreams tonight. Feeling an arm wrap around my waist I turn to Jason and smile at him in awe. This is the perfect date.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I ask Jason looking back at the sunset in a trance to watch this amazing sight take place.

"Yes, you are." Blushing at Jason's cheesiness I see him lean in and we share a soft passionate kiss. It didn't last very long but had a lot of meaning.

Looking back I see the sun has set removing all off the beautiful colours between yellow and orange to a dark starry blue night.

Turning around I see gorgeous lights turn on and the candles lit making it look so romantic. The lights have been draped across the glass door making it look absolutely stunning. Walking over to the dinner table I see roses spread out across the floor of the balcony.

Looking over at Jason I see him pull out the chair for me to sit down. Just like a gentleman would. Background music playing soft ballads I see Jason sit down and a waiter come over to our table handing us our menus.

Looking at the menu my eyes scan over the clichè spaghetti bolognese. As clichè as it is I do like it. It's very tasty.

"I'll have steak with mash and a side sauce also a soft drink please and Layla?" After Jason ordered I realise it's my turn.

"Oh. I'll have spaghetti bolognese along with a soft drink please." Nodding his head he walks off downstairs I think. Looking over at Jason I see him staring right back at me. Blushing under his gaze I look away suddenly finding a rose petal extremely interesting.

"I still have a couple more surprises yet." Looking over at Jason I stare at him suspiciously and curiously. I wanna know what these surprises are. I'm extremely bad at waiting when it comes to surprises. Last Christmas I couldn't wait to open my Christmas presents because I was so curious the night before I ran downstairs and opened all my presents then totally lied about it. But of course mom didn't believe me.

"Do I not get to know these surprises?" Looking at Jason once again I see him smile at my curious gaze and then shake his head as in hinting to 'no'

It was worth a shot..
*15 Minutes Later*

I think about 15 minutes went past before our food arrived and to be honest they were probably my favourite 15 minutes of my life. I've never laughed so much. Jason was telling me about the time he didn't know he had guests over and came downstairs in his 'ballet' tights because he was attending ballet classes just for a girl. That also made me realise. Jason actually cares about the girl to get her attention. But then eventually gets what he wants. As much as I think he has changed I can't help but think. In the past he's broken hearts. What's stopping him now?

"You." Looking over at Jason I see him send a thankful smile to the waiter for delivering our food then look over at me. With a look that states 'does-that-answer-your-question' ugh. I hate how everything I shouldn't say out loud happens to be said out loud by my stupid mouth and brain not realising.

"Yes, it does." I reply back. Looking over at Jason once again I pick up my cutlery and begin eating my food in a peaceful manner.

Finishing my food I see Jason to the same setting down his knife and fork on the side while the waiter came and took our food also handing us the dessert menu. Scanning through it I see some words stand out to me. Them words being:

Chocolate Cake.

I am a huge fan of chocolate cake. It's crazy to think how much I love it. And vanilla ice cream with it is like heaven.

Reading it over once more I hear Jason say something like chocolate cake please, and now he's looking at me.

"Oh could I have Chocolate Cake with vanilla ice cream please?" I ask/tell the waiter.

Nodding his head he walks away with the dessert menu. While I'm just listening to the soft ballads and the sound of the crashing waves. How much I would love to walk on that beach.

As if fast as lightening our desserts arrive just as a sentence is about to come out of Jason's mouth but he stops himself when he sees my gaze land straight on my chocolate cake.

Please don't fall..Please don't fall.

Putting the desert plates slowly on our table I see the waiter smile then walk away. Picking up my spoon trying not to look to un lady like and eat it in a calm peacful lady-like manner.

"I'm surprised you've not scoffed that cake due to how you were looking at it before." Jason stiffles a laugh as he sees me trying to eat it all calmly and not dive in like a 5 year old.

Oh how much I want too..

Finishing the chocolate heaven I place my spoon down on the side.

Then I hear a big sigh and I turn to Jason..

"Oh how I'm not going to be able to finish alllllll this CHOCOLATE cake.." Looking at his face for any signs of mock facial expressions. Yet I see non. Sighing again I see him look over at me as in testing me. Oh what a tease.

"Hey Layla come over here a sec." Walking over to him suspiciously I see him stare at me for a couple of seconds before softly placing me onto his lap. Causing my cheeks to redden making them look like a twin of many tomatoes.

"Now where was I." Jason responds back to his earlier topic hence not even acting any differently with me on his lap. But I can see a faint smile on his lips.

Picking up his spoon I get a little to comfortable on Jason and put my arm around his neck so I basically have one arm wrapped around his shoulder, my two legs on top of his but in the opposite way so I am technically facing the balcony while he is facing forwards towards the table. I see Jason bring the spoon closer to my mouth placing the heaven into my mouth, trying not to moan at the amazing taste I contain myself. I don't know if it's the fact I'm sat on Jason's lap and my hormones taking over or the heaven I call chocolate.

Looking over at Jason I see him laugh at me...

Do I have something on my face? Imaginary cringe.

I think he's laughing at how much I love chocolate. Yeah, that must be it. Looking over at the plate I see a little bit of chocolate left so I lean a little forward and swipe my index finger over the chocolate then swiping it on Jason's cheek.

Looking at Jason's reaction I see his face react with mock shock. Then a small smile rolls onto his lips as he points to me, then his tongue and then his cheek. I think hinting at 'Lick it off my cheek please.'

"You want me to lick it off of your cheek?" I ask Jason just to be sure. Nodding as in response I see him look at me as in wondering if I actually would do it.

All shyness disappearing I lean forward and lick it off then looking at Jason as in 'Didn't Believe Me?' Then I see him looking at my lips and my eyes suddenly drift to his and we're moving closer.

Uniting my lips with his we work in sync like our lips were made for each other. As clichè as it sounds it's one hundred percent true. I mean..every girl wants a clichè relationship right?

Hearing a sound of somebody's throat clearing I remove my lips away from Jason too see the waiter awkwardly holding the check. Looking at Jason to embarrassed because of our previous encounter I see him grab the check. Realising I might be in the way I get up from Jason's lap and sit in my own seat. I look back at Jason so see he's just finishing signing the check and gives a 'thank you' to the waiter.

"Thank you for the wonderful dinner. It was gorgeous." Looking at the waiter I see him send me a warm smile then walk away.

"Alright, common. Surprise number two." I see Jason head to the stairs and we descend down them. Walking over to the car I see him remove a bag out of the trunk. That bag seems extremely familiar. Entwining our hands together we walk to a private glass shack.

"Surprise number two. Is in this bag." Jason hands me a bag indicating to a little changing room. Hmm..

Walking in I zip open the bag to see my favourite bikini in there?

How'd he know? Wait a minute.


She must've handed it too him before the date. Removing the bikini out of the bag I change into if careful hoping not to damage my dress.

Looking at my self in the mirror I smile. I've always loved this bikini, it is a light baby blue strapped with a floral print in a little section of the middle. The bottoms are the same floral print all over with the baby blue bow on the side. Matching the top of the bikini.

Walking out I see Jason walk out at the same time. But in a pair of swimming trunks the same colour as mine. Baby blue. Aww..

Trying not to faint over the sex god in front of me. I see him look at me..a little longer than usual, but then holds out his hand indicating for me to place my hand there too. Fitting my hand into his we walk out of the shack putting our bags containing our clothes in the back. Walking out onto the sand I smile. I always loved the feeling of the sand touching my feet. Walking quite close to the water the tide just hitting our feet we walk in a comfortable silence.

"This is mind blowing Jason." I can't believe he put so much effort in doing this for me. It's absolutely adorable how one guy can be so romantic. I never really took him to be the romantic type but how I was wrong. He is the most romantic boy I've ever met.

"Anything for you, although it's not over yet." Jason responds gesturing to a little Italian canoe, the one that doesn't require a life jacket. This is so romantic.

With the help of Jason I sit down on the canoe Jason sitting next to me he rows all the way to the middle and stops. Pulling something out of the corner of the boat I see them Chinese lanterns that you set alight which float into the sky.

Handing me one I open it up also grabbing one of the two lighters set there I light it up. The immediate glow reflecting onto my face and it's warmth radiating.

"Layla." Looking at Jason. I wait for him to carry on what he was going to say.

Inching closer we're only centimetres apart.

"Three...Two...One." Just as number one is said from his mouth he connect it with mine as I release the Chinese lantern. Putting my arms around Jason's neck I feel his go around my waist somehow pulling me closer closing any possible distance between us.

Hearing the sound of fireworks erupt not only in my stomach but in the sky above me lighting the sky with many enchanting colours. Giving of such a wonderful vibe. Removing my lips away from Jason's I watch the gorgeous colours connect in such a beautiful way.

"Layla, Will you be my girlfriend?" I stare at Jason and I think my big grin is giving off my answer.


"Now dearest Layla, since you are now my girlfriend. I can kiss you whenever I want, cuddle you whenever I want and be with you and share amazing moments such as-"

Putting my index finger over Jason's mouth I stop him from saying a word.



"Shut up and kiss me." Grabbing the collar of his shirt I bring his lips right back to mine and he wraps his arms around my waist. Running my fingers through his dirty blonde hair I feel his hands squeeze my waist earning a moan from me.

Laughing with Jason I wonder...this is definitely the best date I have been on and I have started to like Jason a lot...I don't know if it's love. But who knows? Love happens. My dad always use to say 'Never be afraid of love, embrace it with open arms.' And that's what I'm going to do.

After listening to the fireworks for a little while longer, my head resting on Jason's shoulder we walk hand in hand back to the car after grabbing our clothing bags.

"Are you sure you don't want to change?" Jason asked me a million times, but I decline because I'm perfectly fine heading home in some shorts - which I put on when we went to get our bags - with my bikini top.

Laughing I respond. "Yes Jason."

Sitting into the car I hear the engine roar to life and the radio automatically turn on. Humming along to the tune I hear Jason join in.

(A/N - Play Song Now:D)

Lately I been, I been losing sleep,

dreaming about the things that we could be.

But baby I been, I been praying hard.

Said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars.

Singing Alonge to the firts verse I hear Jason join in once again.

Dancing to the instrumental I wait for the next verse to kick in. But enjoying the instrumental because it's fun to dance too.

I see this life like swining vine,

swing my heart across the line.

in my face is flashing signs,

seek it out and yee shall find.

OLD, but I'm not that old.

Young, but im not that bold.

And I don't think the world is sold. Just doing what we're told.

I...feel something so right by doing the wrong thing.

I...feel something so wrong by doing the right thing.


Everything that kills me, Makes me feel alive.

Calming down we drive home listening to the rest of the songs on the radio while just singing - or humming if we dont know the words - together.


Arriving home I hear Jason unbuckle his seat belt then a little while after head to my door and open it.

Unbuckling my seat belt I get out and I hear Jason shut the door and then grasp my hand in his. Walking to the door I see Jason remove his keys and unlock the door and open it in one swift movement.

"HONEY THEY'RE HOME!" Hearing Seb walk out and one of the balloons seems to have popped making it seem like he has one boob. Oh my goodness. He looks absolutely hilarious. Calling his I mean her husband. Maddie.

"Right young man. You are 13 minutes late. Explain yourself." I see Maddie squint her eyes, stroking her drawn on beard.

"I just didn't want the night to end. Plus she's an amazing kisser and I couldn't let go." Smiling at his response I look down, not looking at Maddie's expression.

"Did you use protection?" Looking at Seb with wide eyes I didn't expect him to say something like that.

"Not on that stage yet." I blush at Jason's reply and I look up to see him send a wink to Seb who sends a thumbs up in return.

"Okay Jason. Say goodnight to your girlfriend." I hear Maddie say her father voice still as strong and deep.

Leaning in I feel Jason connect his lips with mine placing a soft kiss and then muttering a 'Night gorgeous' in my ear and head off. Seb kissing Maddie on the cheek follows off. Turning toward him Jason stabs Seb's other balloon boob and pops it causing him to scream like a girl.

Haha..balloon boob.

Laughing at my name I feel Maddie grab my hand and lead to me too my room.

"Sit. Spill the details." Squealing she sits on my bed eyes filled with curiosity.

Explain to her about the car ride there I walk into the bathroom, and grab a wipe to remove my make-up. Also tying my hair into a messy bun. Walking back in I change out of my bikini top and shorts not caring if Maddie is in the room. She's my other half.

Changing into my comfortable pjama pants and a t-shirt that says 'Rawr, I'm Scawy' heading over to the cupboard me and Maddie filled up the first time she stayed over I remove loads of junk food. Bringing it to the bed I open a can of energy drink and order pizza.

This is going to be one eventful night.


Here You Go Guys!

I'm so sorry for not uploading for more than a month. I've been so busy and had been writing a little every week and I finally got it finished.



FAN! <3 Love You Lots

- Maria x :P

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