Chapter Nineteen

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*Nervous Laugh* Hi...Guys...D: I'm sorry for uploading this late. O_O But I also know so many of you hate Tiffany. ;D Don't we all?

Anyways. Check out what I made > It's to the side >>

You guys Like it? It was a Banner I made when I had some spare time. xD

I'm going through a major edit in all of my books. I'm editing every chapter of each of my books. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :3


~Chapter Nineteen~

~Layla's POV~

"So then we kissed." Maddie just finished telling me the story of how she and Seb ended up kissing.

"Alright. Let me get my head around this. When Jason was walking behind me you guys started a conversation, then you both were walking to the side of the pool to dangle your legs in. Then as me and Jason splashed Seb told you he liked you, then you also said you like him. Then you both moved in and started lip locking?" Phew. What a sentence I had to get out. That really drained some energy from me. I seem to be extremely tired these past couple of hours. I'm not sure why.

After Maddie nodds when I finished my sentence I see she has her eyes fixed on something.

I wonder what it is.

Snapping my fingers to gain her attention she still doesn't budge, curiosity burning inside of me I turn around to see Jason and Tiffany kissing. A glum expression taking over my face I see something wet fall down my cheek. No. I won't cry over Jason. It's absolutely clear he has no feelings for me.

But you have feelings for him.

As much as I want to argue with my always correct brain I don't. Because there's nothing to argue about. My brain is spot on. I have feeling for Jason. But he doesn't have any for me. What was I thinking? Magically he was going to gain feelings for me? Yeah smart thinking Layla. He's a player. He would never come to you. That's why you're going to try you're hardest to forget him.

Walking over to the drinks table with Maddie I pour some soda mixed with Vodka. Adding a little extra Vodka I drink the liquid in 3 gulps. The fiery liquid burning my throat I pour myself some more.

This should help.

~1 hour later~

"Now that we're men, we have facial hair! Now that we're men I changed my underwear!" I was singing along to the Spongebob song. It was catchy.

"Maddie what time is it?" My words slurring a little I try to focus my gaze to see it's not Maddie. I'm talking to a lamp. Finding this hilarious I start laughing hysterically. Falling to the floor. I see someone dragging my legs.

"Hehe, Maddie what are you doing?" That feels funny. "Maddie stop it. It tickles." Laughing once more I see High tops? Since when did Maddie wear high tops? I'm lost. I feel someone lifting me up bridal style.

"Maddie are we getting married? Are you the husband? Hehe. I love you too. But I like Jason. I'm sorry Maddie. His smile...hehehe...But he likes Tiffany and they're probably having a great time together..." My words trailing off I'm losing conscience and I fall into slumber. Before I fall asleep I hear a voice hard to recognize..

"I wish you were sober to say that to me." After that I seemed to have fallen unconcious.


~Jason's POV~

After Tiffany I seemed to have been in a daze. I wasn't sure what was wrong. I thought it was okay to kiss Tiffany so I kissed her again.


Seeming to realize about Layla I stop with Tiffany. Pushing her off me I wonder through the crowds in the party. It seemed to have change from a normal fun friendly partly fully into a high school party.

I don't know how I didn't notice. How long were me and Tiffany kissing?

"Now that we're men, we have facial HAIR! Now that we're men I changed my underwear!" Hearing spongebob, Yeah. I've seen that movie I mean common if you havn't seen the movie it's like your childhood wasn't complete.

(A/N If you havn't seen the movie don't worry. I'm not offending anyone)

Walking over where I heard it I see Layla dancing and talking to a lamp. Then falling on the floor in hysterics.

Jeez I hope I'm not that bad when I'm drunk.

I see someone grabbing Layla's ankles, while her still laughing. I pick her up bridal style and walk her out of her to the car.

"Maddie are we getting married? Are you the husband? Hehe. I love you too. But I like Jason. I'm sorry Maddie. His smile...hehehe...But he likes Tiffany and they're probably having a great time together..." Pausing at her words my breath hitches.

She LIKES me.

Then you fucking ruined it by kissing Tiffany.

Argh! This is all my fault I ruined it. When I had a chance with her I screwed it up. I knew this would happen. I've hurt her. Really badly.

I'm such a fucking screw up. FUCK.

Putting her in the car I see her dozing off. She looks absolutely beautiful.

"I wish you could say that to me when you're sober." After saying that I shut her door and drive her back home. The radio playing a soft tune in the background while my head is filled with a billion thoughts. All to do with one girl.



So guys? Did you like it? I bet this chapter was bad? WAS IT? O_O

Honestly I have no clue. I need your feedback. Please. It honestly helps me. A LOT.

Much Love<3

Oh btw There is also the spongebob song on the side >>>>>>>>>>>> That's only if you've never heard it before. Or if you just like the song like me xD




FAN! Love Ya Loads<3

- Maria ;) x

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