Chapter Two

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Hey Thanks for carrying On reading that means you enjoyed my story! :P Well..I Hope it does? IDK O.O Okay Here it Goes! (: I don't really know how to put a picture and Video but I think I got it right.

The Picture is of Jason (Alex Pettyfer) Damn! He's juicy! >:D <33 Check it out and oh the video is UltraViolet by Stiffdylans one of MY favourite songs ;)



~Chapter Two~

~Jason's POV~

"Jasey Wasey! get out of beeeeeeeedd!"

"Noo! Go away! Liaa it's not even time to GET READY AND GO TO SCHOOL YOU LITTLE TWERP!" It's always a bad idea to get drunk on a school night, but I still do it anyways, I'm positive everyone loves that feeling you get when you take in your first drink of the night, but then of course me being me I don't stop at one. The thing most people including me hate is the hangover, but of course mine becomes 10x worse due to my annoying little sister Liaa. I just wish she was back to being that cute little toddler, the little girl I use to play with, all the time.

"Hey Jasey did you not realise its 8:30 and school starts at 8:50!" Turning my head faster than I didn't think I could I look at the clock and inwardly scream, a manly one of course.

"LIAA GET OUT I'M CHANGING!" Getting up off of the bed I see her eyes almost pop out of her sockets as she gives me a salute and runs out probably faster than I turned my head, picking up a shirt and some chinos I place them on trying to hurry but also trying not to fall over my own clothes, the ones I'm trying to put on and the ones that I have scattered all around the room.

 CHecking in the mirror I don't bother with my hair because no matter what I do it always ends up being the same, asbolutely nothing can change my hair so that's why I don't bother with it.

"Jason! Honey good morning sit down have some breakfast! I made it this time no maid!" Cheers my joyful Mom, this is Arianna, probably the most cheerful Mom ever, seriously have never seen a better Mom than her, even though she can seem like she's bonkers she's still an amazing mother and has always taken care of me and Liaa so well. But right now, with this terrible hangover I cannot seem to be bothered.

"Uhh..sorry mom not this time have to get to school on time! I almost got suspended last time not letting that happen again!" Making up some lame excuse because I'm too tired to co-operate. Without waiting for a reply, I grab a water bottle from the fridge I head out leaving my cheerful mother to talk with my annoying sister Liaa.

Looking through the dashboard I try to find the secret packet of Advil I keep here just in case I forget or don't have time to take one in the morning when I get out of bed. Finding it I keep it in my hand finding the right moment to take it, obviously not here where my mom can see me because then she'll know that I've drank too much, when I told her I'm only going to take a couple of drinks, yeah by a couple I meant a couple of hundreds. Bringing my car to life I feeel the engine roar and the sudden vibration start and echo through the car.

Stopping at a red light I use the opportunity to put the Advil in my mouth and swallow down atleast half of the water in the bottle. Seeing the light signal green I put my bottle down and the rest of the way to school. Parking my car in my usual spot I get out just to see my best friend Seb approach me, also known as my wingman, the guy I absolutely love in a brotherly way.

Hearing the sudden clack of heels I turn my head to see Tiffany approaching me with her of course probably wearing the shortest dress I have ever seen, as soon as she arrives she places her lips on mine giving me that all familiar taste.

"Ugh I can't believe they have to do it out here. Can't they get a room or something don't you think Maddie? Wait no. Maybe since he stooped that low a janitors closet?" Hearing a sudden voice of whom I seem to recognise oh so familiarly, I turn my head to see the two girls who could also be considered one because I think them spend all of their time together.

Okay I understand many people don't like me probably because I have the biggest head ever and I'm a player, but I don't know why Layla has always had this spark of hate ignite when she talks to me, and I don't even know why.

Me and Layla always have our little arguments here and there which I actually enjoy because they seem to piss her off and that very familiar spark has suddenly ignited leaving me smirking and her I guess wanting to punch me in the face, the reason? I don't actually know.

Stopping in her tracks I see her realise that everyone must've heard that, turning around she's faced with all eyes pointed at her, noticing this her eyes widen and she makes eye contact with Tiffany - who looked legitimitely pissed - and then me, I just found it humorous because it looks like something is about to break out.

She doesn't expect much of it and walks off with her friend, okay that was not fair I was seriously expecting something to happen not her to just walk off no, I've not seen a fight in a while so I wouldn't technically mind. Especially if the two girls are hot because they end up ripping clothes. I mean have you seen Tiffany? She's the hottest thing alive, and then there's Layla who's hot but not in a plastic way, more of a natural kinda way?

You're turning into a girl


Here Ya go Chapter Two! Hope it was Longer! IDK O.e Next chapter will be up soon (:



FAN!!! <33 Love Ya Loads

Maria x

P.s A picture of Layla will be uploaded on the next Chappie! ;D

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