Chapter Twenty Five

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Hai Guys:D I made this chapter quite long for you guys c: Enjoy:D

IMPORTANT: I seem to have realised I have a couple of ghost readers. Readers who don't vote (or comment) and honestly reading your comments they motivate me to write more. I just dont want to lost reads for this. but halloween is over! :P Time to stop being a ghost ;D


~Chapter Twentyfive~

~Layla's POV~

After getting up out of Jason's embrace I see him walk out of my room to do I'm not sure. I realised today was the day of our date. Oh my goodness. Feeling a deep worry feeling start to shape in my stomach I notice it's probably because of the amount of food my body has consumed which happens to be nothing but air. Holding my hand in front of my face I blow into it and smell the toxic fragrance I call morning breath. Gosh how could Jason kiss this? It smells like something you only see in your nightmares, or coming out of someones other end. Keeping my rant about morning breath to a limit I walk over to my bathroom and postpone my shower for later when I have my date because I don't seem to be going anywhere or doing anything major due to the fact both me and Jason have a week of school because he has to take care of my lazy ass and bones.

Brushing my teeth I hear a song play through the radio and I instantly start humming the weird tune and saying the lyrics in my head because of the toothbrush currently in my foamy mouth.

Fish go blub

and the seal goes ow ow ow

but there's one sound...

that no one knows...


By the time the song reached here I had finished brushing my teeth and am now currently going crazy to match the crazy rhythm of this song.




Going back into my room I see Maddie come running in and starts to dance randomly to the song. Then following after I see Seb and an annoyed look takes up his face and I can tell he hates this song. Then Jason barges into the room and matches facial expressions with Seb. While me and Maddie we're dancing like there's no tomorrow. This is honestly a song that can make anyone go hyper and active.

Grabbing Jason's arm I see him turn something off on his phone and I see Maddie do the same by pulling Seb's arm. We all FINALLY start dancing crazily to the song that seems to have got us all in an upbeat mood.

After the song has finished we all sit there panting. Our chests rising and falling. Breathing heavily. I hear the roar of my stomach instantly realising I forgot to eat my breakfast. Everyone immediately looking at me I feel my cheeks taint red. Walking downstairs I see Jason and the rest hot on my heels I turn to get the pancake mix out of the cupboard. Turning around again I see Maddie, Jason and Sebastian sat at the breakfast bar eyes filled with hunger also giving off the message saying 'we want food' rolling my eyes at all three of them I pour the pancake mix in and get ready to crack the egg. But then hear the sound of slaps being made.

Turning around I see Maddie Jason and Seb all in a slapping war. Maddie in the middle while Seb and Jason aimlessly try to hit each other but hit Maddie instead. Feeling an idea pop into my head I grab another egg and hold them both at my hand ready to aim them both at Jason and Seb. They seem to engrossed in their slapping war to realise. Getting ready I throw them with all the power I could muster I throw them just to see them both go flying past all three of their faces and land on the floor.

Well that worked...

Blushing at my horrible aiming I see all three heads turn here and their looks ready to bury me six feet under. Well now would be a good opportunity to run...

Running at the speed of lightening I see all three slap war victims right behind me. Shit. I don't know my way around Jason's house except where his game room is. Running into corner after corner. Corridor after corridor I come to a dead end but before they catch me I see a door and cautiously enter making sure to keep my breathing low.

Hearing footsteps right below my door I intake a heap of air to stop myself from making it obvious, but then the footsteps die down giving me enough time to steady my breathing once again.

Opening the door I see the three hooligans seem to have disappeared. Not taking the risk of them being in the kitchen I head over to where I think the movie room is. Time to be a forever alone girl and watch a movie. Let's see...


Putting the CD in I watch it popcorn which I made before in my hands ready to throw at anything. I seem to have this itchy feeling someone is going to pop up. God knows why. It's not like Jason or the other two know that I'm in here anyways. Looking at my phone that was in my pjama pocket I see an unknown number ring me.

"Hello?" I ask politely into the phone.

"What's your favourite scary movie?" Feeling my insides shake with terror I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around slowly I see Scream also in absolute irony scream my lungs out and smack 'the scream person' with the bowl of popcorn making them groan. Wait. I know that groan. That's a certain sexy boys groan. Removing the mask I see Jason staring sheepishly at me while Seb and Maddie are laughing.

"I got the whole thing on video!" Screams Maddie still not covered from her laughing fit. Well jeez. That was nice. (Note my heavily laced sarcasm)

Walking away from all threee of them I run upto my room and lock the door. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. My anger was set alight and I have the perfect revenge plan.


Making sure I have everything I walk downstairs as quiet as possible and I see the three of them watching a movie. Perfect.

Getting the ice cold water I hold it above their heads ready. Pouring it over I see the three of them shiver and scream like high pitched girl also jump around like they found something in their underwear.

Falling to the floor from laughing I steady myself and bring out my hand for them to shake. Seeing their glares rise I call a truce. Batting my eyelashes and giving them my special dimple. Along with an innocent look.

A deep sigh coming from Jason I shake his hand the tingles shooting through my arm I balance myself to not fall over because his t-shirt is sticking to his body showing off his defined abs and I cannot help but stare. He is absolutely perfect.

Then looking over I see Maddie ogle Sebastian because his t-shirt is stuck to his chest.

Why were we gifted with such hot friends?

Looking back at Jason I see him smile because he caught me checking out his muscular glory. God dammit. Fine I admit he is a bloody sex god.

Walking upstairs I call them all up to give them some fresh towels to dry themselves off.

Please. Please. Please do not take your shirt off.

Seeing Jason tug at the bottom of his shirt he pulls it off. Every muscle flexing with every move he makes. With a shaky hand I pass him a towel. Turning I see Maddie must've gotten herself a towel along with Seb. Really?! You're going to leave me alone with a shirtless Jason? Must you make me suffer?!

Looking over at Jason I see him smirk because he has the upper hand in this. Stupid yummy abs.

Seeing him walk towards me I put my hand on his chest to stop him, because I think I will faint.

Then he removes my hand off of his chest and walks again instantly making me walk backwards until I hit the wall. Again?! Really?!

"Be ready at 8. Wear something fancy." He whispers in my ear and then in one swift movement he turns around then walks out of the room.

Trying to calm my breathing pace I see the time read 12pm. That's okay. I have enough time to have some brunch then play a couple of games with Maddie until five and then have her help me get ready for my date.

After washing my face with cold water I walk downstairs and make myself a sandwich. Seeing Maddie walk in I smile at her.

"Yumm. Do I get one?" I see Maddie stares at my sandwich like it's heaven.

"Sure. You have this one and I'll make myself another. Just hand me the bread please?" Nodding in response she brings me the bread and sits down and enjoys her sandwich.

Finishing mine I bring it over to the table and take a big bite just like Maddie. Looking up I see the flash of a camera. Shit. They got a picture of me and Maddie with sandwich filled mouths. Oh well. Shrugging because I'm too tired I carry on eating. Then putting my plate into the sink I grab Maddie's hand because she had finished before me. She was just waiting.

We walk to the game room and I put in the first game I ever played when we got here. JUST DANCE.

"No please. I want to be lazy!" Maddie practically begs because the girl eats so much yet is as skinny as a cocktail stick. She doesn't seem to gain any weight. Lazy ass.

Not listening to any of her rants I hand her a controller and we start dancing to Forget you by Cee Lo Green.

Half way through the song I see 2 more players being added and I turn around to see both Jason and Seb trying extremely hard to concentrate on such a simple game. Laughing to myself at their facial expressions I turn back and continue with the game.

~5 Hours Later~

After 2 hours of Just Dance, 1 Hour of Pool, 1 Hour of Halo and 1 hour of lounging around I look at the time so see I have 3 hours to get ready. You know what they say girls take their time to get ready but in the end it does pay off. Grabbing Maddie's hand I head upstairs to my room telling her to find me a nice outfit for tonight while I have a shower.

Walking in I remove the sweaty clothes and let the warm water become my best friend. Cleaning off any odour I rub on my Lavender body wash also washing my hair with a strawberry shampoo I get out wrapping a towel around me once satisfied.

I found Maddie fast asleep on my bed with a dress which I totally forgot I had. It's main colour is white with an Aztec design printed from the chest downwards with sequins embroidered onto it mainly on the chest area. It isn't a strapless it his held up with two straps on each shoulder. Also looking to my right I see the dressing table fitted with every single make-up product known. Next to it lays a hair straightener and a curling iron also the hair dryer with plenty of hair products to use.
On the floor I see an unfamiliar shoe box, scrunching my brows in confusion I head over to it only for it to be snatched away from my grasp. Gee thanks.

"You're not aloud to see these until after you're completely finished getting ready." I see Maddie put a serious look on her face but then eventually crack a smile.

"Alright. Now my gorgeous best friend. Bedazzle me..?" Not being able to find a more abnormal word than that I close my eyes and let Maddie get to work.

~2 hours later~

"Finished!!!" Finally. Gosh knows what type of things Maddie has done to my hair. In between when Maddie was doing my make up and hair she stopped so that I could change into my dress. After that she continued and I'm not particulary sure what the time is right now.

"Stand Up." Looking over at Maddie I see her motioning for me to stand on my feet - which means getting up from the comfy chair. Damn It. That chair is so comfy.

Standing up I see a smile full of pride take up Maddie's face and so I know I must look good because Maddie is extremely talented with this type of stuff, hence her Mom being a beautician [ber-yuu-tish-an] Giving Maddie a hug I see her come back with the same shoe box I was about to open.

Opening it I see probably the most beautiful Shoes I have ever seen in my life. They must've costed a fortune. (Shoes along with outfit on the side >) Looking closely I see a note slotted next to the shoes. Removing it carefully trying not to damage these gorgeous babies I Read the note:

Dear Layla,

I know you're probably thinking these shoes cost me a fortune. But non of that matters right now. All that matters is that by the end of the night you're smiling with that beautiful smile of yours. I know thats cheesy but once in a while cheesy is perfect.

Love from your date for the night..and maybe your date for life..;)

Reading the note over and over again I blush at how cute Jason can be. I didn't take him to be the sweet type, but I guess I shouldn't judge over looks, because all my life I thought of Jason as a jerk but I was completely wrong. Jason is not a jerk at all. Sure..he can be a bit arrogant at times but hey..aren't we all arrogant sometimes? Yes, I know he's slept with a handful of girls but I guess you could say people change, and I hope Jason has.

Slipping on the heels I look back in the mirror smiling at my final appearance. I look great thanks to my gorgeous best friend Maddie. My hair is pinned up at the back with my bangs to the side along with the rest of my hair flowing in waves on my shoulders.

Looking over at Maddie I see her wearing a white button up t-shirt along with a moustache and a thin tie.

"I'm going as your father...I need to scold Jason if he brings you back late. Also I'm going to be your escort to down the stairs. Time to get my father on." Just staring at Maddie for a minute or two I laugh. She is probably one of the best best friends anyone could ask for. I'm so glad to have her.

Hooking arms with her we walk downstairs carefully. Even though I haven't even reached downstairs I'm already smiling. This is going to be such a great night.

Reaching downstairs I look to see Jason's face stare at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. As cheesy as it is it made me smile.

Walking over to him I see him smile at me smiling.

"Now hold up son. You ain't taking my girl anywhere without having a little chat with me." I turn around to see Maddie giving a mock stern look to Jason.

"What would you like to know sir?" He makes the air quotations with his fingers at the word sir. I would be rolling on the floor from laughter. I don't understand how he's so still and calm.

"What time will you be bringing my daughter home?" I look over at Maddie and genuinely smile. I know she's doing this because she cares for me.

"Well we'll be leaving at 8pm it is 7:50pm at the moment and she'll be home at 11pm so that's three hours." I see Jason smile confidently.

Confident ass.

Laughing at my inside joke I see Jason look at me curiously but then look back and my 'dad'.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" I smile at how caring Maddie is. She is just using this dad idea as an excuse. She really cares about me. I am honestly so lucky to have a girl like Maddie in my life. She is honestly the perfect best friend.

"I wanna be her reason to smile." He didn't even have to think about that. He just straight up answered. I have to admit. That impressed me. Looking over at Maddie I see her impressed and nods approvingly.

"I approve of you. I think you would make an amazing couple. Honey what do you think?" Maddie looks over at the door expectantly. Looking over there too I see nothing or perhaps no one.

"I think they're perfect together honey." I hear a trying-to-be-a-girl voice and I see Seb walk out of the room wearing a motherly outfit. I couldn't keep my laughing in till now. It had to escape. Laughing at Seb's outfit I think he had balloons in his chest. Okay that just set me off laughing some more.

Hugging Mom and Dad I hook my arm into Jason's and we walk outside. Not without turning around to look at Seb and Maddie, and I see Maddie try to put her arm around tall Seb's shoulder like the proud father always does to his wife.

Laughing at them both I walk with Jason but not far enough to here 'Use Protection!' Being shouted from Maddie's mouth. Blushing I look down and look at Jason through my lashes. Letting go of my arm he intertwines his fingers with mine pulling me close.

"I never told you you look beautiful tonight." I hear Jason whisper in my ear and he just makes me already red face turn a darker shade. Jesus, blood can you not travel to my face once In a while? Yeah that would be nice.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I reply smoothly as if his compliment didn't make my heart beat like the beat of ke$ha's drums.(A/N If you get the joke I give you a thumbs up! Comment if you got it.) Looking at what Jason is wearing I see him in tight fitted black jeans along with a black t-shirt with a silver thin tie. He looked absolutely mind blowing. He made such a simple outfit seem like it was worth a million dollars. His hair was stylishly messed up. If that makes any sense whatsoever.

I see him walking to a red Lamborghini Gallardo. OH MY GOODNESS. This is honestly my dream car. I was just too shy to ask my Mom for one because she would probably just abuse me of ignore me like she has done for life.

I see Jason press a button on his car keys and the doors rise up, hence them being butterfly doors. Squealing I run up to Jason and give him a warm hug. This is my dream car.

"This is my dream car! How did you know?!" I practically squeal at Jason. I am over the moon.

"I do my research." While mid-sentence he motions towards the passenger seat. Sitting inside I see him be the gentleman and shut the door then come over to his side and shut his door after getting in. Putting my seat belt on I see Jason to the same.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going or are you going to be clichè and not tell me?" I say the question while Jason brings the beaut I call a lambo to life.

"Nope. You don't get to know. I'm going to be clichè." I see Jason respond keeping his eyes on the road but sending a look once or twice to me.

Huffing with annoyance I cross my arms and pout like a baby.

Then I hear soft laughter coming from Jason and I just melt. He has the most innocent voice.

This is perfect.


I am so sorry for being so late. I have been so busy! But I made this chapter extra long! And I also made a new cover if you didn't notice? I do make covers guys if anybody would like one I don't mind at all. Just Mail me your request and I would happily help you:)

Anyways. Next chapter: The Date

Are you excited?!? What if they kiss?! Will you fangirl like I always do when the 'should be' couple kiss;D anyways sorry for the long authors note. Enjoy!



FAN! <3 Love Ya Loads

- Maria x (;

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