Chapter Twenty Two

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*Eminem Song - Without Me*
Guess who's back..?
Back Again..?

'Cuz it feels so empty without me;D

Read my amazing fans:D enjoy the chapter. Made it longer


~Chapter Twenty Two~

~Layla's POV~

Turning my head from the corner of my eye I see Jason do the same. Well this looks awkward.. I mean Jason is partially naked, and I'm not sure how but now I'm straddling him. How did this happen?

Looking back at Arianna I see a small cheeky smile roll onto her lips. As she fakes being guilty.

"Sorry I didn't mean to guys are obviously busy, oh and Jason use protection. She is a sweet girl I don't want no grandchildren just yet." As the sentence rolls off her tongue I feel my blood rise to my cheeks and I know I'm blushing. Well I'm not the only one blushing looking over at Jason he tries to keep his posture chilled back but the faint blush rising on his cheeks I know he found that embarrassing to.

"Mom! What the fuck! We aren't even together."

Yeah, you aren't together.

My brain is right. What are we? I mean we are most certainly not boyfriend and girlfriend yet we kiss as though we are? We do everything cheesy couples do yet we're not in that phase. I mean what are we..?

My mind clouded with thoughts I didn't even realise Jason was back and changed into his normal clothes.

Damn he looks yummy. Like gummy bear yummy..especially the orange ones. They're the best..

Wanting to carry on my mental rant I see fingers being clicked in front of my face. Those fingers belonging to Jason.

Looking up at him I can still see he is still not fully over what Arianna said.

'Ping Ping'

My head shooting in the direction of where the noise is coming from I see the Facebook notifications rise at numbers I didn't even know were on the scale.

Jason must be popular..

Reading the comments I try my best to hold in the heap of laughter ready to escape. I look over at Jason to see he is also trying to hold his laughter down.

'The blue in the mankini really brings out your eyes Jason..well that's not the only thing the mankini brings out'

Finishing reading it in my head I let out all my laughter I've been holding and fall to the floor holding my stomach in pain over this much laughter yet I can't stop. Hearing a heavy deep laughter I turn my head to the left to see Jason laughing too.

God that laugh is sexy.

Trying my best not to float on cloud nine due to Jason's laugh I just think about my journey. Everything I've been through. Mom leaving, moving in with Jason, Jared, Seb and Maddie last of all me and Jason, everything we've been through. I never thought I would feel anything for someone I could loathe. Yet I do? But as my dad would has no boundaries..

Wait. I don't love Jason. Right?




~Jason's POV~

God Layla you're driving me crazy. Your laugh your face your beauty every thing about you. You're so perfect yet sure you have flaws but those flaws make you perfect. In my logic.

Seb has been pestering me to take Layla on a date yet my shy self hasn't got the guts to ask her. Why is it I'm so confident with other girls yet when it comes to one girl I become a year old baby learning to speak..?

She's not like any other girls..

That's true. She isn't. So that's why I'm going to try my best to make this the best date she's been to. I want her to forget the last one, and make sure she doesn't dread going to any dates ever again.

Every time I do something special for her I always fuck up. That's not going to happen this time. I'm going to be the true gentleman Layla wants, and if I can't be that well's her choice to stick with me or not.

My thoughts are stopped when I hear the ring of Layla's phone. Turning to where it is I reach over and hand it to her. She replies with a thankful smile and picks up her phone.

"Hello?...Yeah...I'm at home with Jason...Sure..okay...see you later...bye." The mention of my name I see Layla disconnecting the call as I furrow my eyebrows while staring at her with curiosity evident in my features.

"It was Maddie, she was asking if she could come over. Is that okay with you?" She answers as if knowing I was curious about the call. I nod in respond to her question. I also tell Layla I'm going for a quick shower while she waits for Maddie. She says okay and I head upstairs.




~Layla's POV~

Waiting impatiently for Maddie to come I tap my foot lost in my own thoughts. Until I hear the doorbell ring.

Walking all the way to answer the door I open it too see the best girl in the world. The one and only Maddie!!

And Seb.

Yeah, and Seb. He is probably going to head upstairs to hang out with Jason.

"I was wondering if the four of us could have a horror fest?" Well there goes what I thought out the drain.

"Oh..Sure!" I'm not going to delay the offer although I think Seb and Maddie will be chewing each other's faces off. So it'll be just me and Jason.

Telling Maddie I'm going to call Jason I have her head to the living room.

Running up the stairs I reach Jason's room to see him coming out of the shower with just a towel around his waist.

Holy mother of cheese..Jesus. HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESUS! Someone catch me..

He is one hot guy. I already knew that but the steam radiating off of him gives him the whole..'I'm sexy..' look. If that makes sense. His hair is wet and is darker then the usual dirty blonde.

He doesn't seem to realise I'm in the room and is about to remove the towel..

"JASON STOP!" He freezes at my words and turns around, one hand on his towel. A little pink tints his cheek and he gives a small awkward laugh.

"Oh..uhuh..didn't see you there..I'll just change in the bathroom." Putting my hands up immediately as a stop motion he stops in his tracks and waits for me to carry on.

"I only came upstairs to tell you me you Maddie and Seb are having a horror fest." Finishing off my sentence with a breath I wait for him to speak..

"Okay, I'll be down in 10." Nodding my head I head downstairs to see two hormonal teenagers close to no tops on my couch.

Remind me to wash that..7 times..

"CUT IT OUT GUYS! I DON'T WANT TO WATCH TWO TEENAGERS AT IT ON MY COUCH!" Hearing my voice they back away both lips swollen. God how long we're they lip locking for??

"Jason will be down in 10- now.." Just as I'm about to finish my sentence..Jason enters the room. Looking hot as always..damn me and my perverted eyes checking him out..

Again and again and again

God yes brain! I did check him out I'm not going to say the number but a lot of times.

"Anyways let's get comfy, first we're watching The Conjuring." Nodding my head because me and Maddie have watched this before and we didn't scream but I can wait to see Jason's and Seb's reactions. It is pretty scary yet me and Maddie got through it. Well she didn't scream..yet I lied. I screamed bloody murder every 2 seconds.

"Me and Maddie are sitting together just so Seb and Maddie don't end up taking it the whole way on the couch." After Maddie's blushing fit is over I place plenty of pillows and blankets on the floor to be comfortable. Lying down on my belly, my hands resting on my chin with my legs in the air. Maddie doing the same I turn around to see Jason and Seb lazily lying there.

"I'll get the snacks." I see Jason walking out the room probably to the kitchen where the snacks are.

Listening to the music playing in the trailers because we're waiting for the actual movie to start. I see 4 cans of coke placed in front of me with 2 bowls full of Doritos. I turn around to see Jason with six beers and 4 bowls of Doritos. Jesus. They eat so much yet bloody have six pacs.

Finally the movie starting I feel something been thrown at my back. Feeling around the top part of my back looking for the thing that hit my back. Finally finding it I see a soggy piece of Doritos. Scrunching my face up in disgust I look for who threw the Dorito. Not being able to identify due to there stern facial expressions.

"THIS IS WAR!!" Screaming I pick up a can of coke and dump it onto both of their heads.

Then laughing my head off because Seb and Jason just did the best girl screams ever.

Now begins an epic foodbattle.

~1 Hour Later~

We finished our food battle everyone had a shower and now we're just picking up the remainders of the mess.

Maddie's sleeping over so she doesn't have to call her Mom.

"Seb what time are you going home?" I ask Seb who is walking out the room with a black bin bag.

"I'm not going home." Then turns to Jason to see him nodding his head.

Responding with an 'okay' me and Maddie head upstairs to change into out pj's. Maddie knows how small my pj's are so she bought me some of her comfy pj's which I am thankful for.

After we've changed we're both about to go to bed when to teenagers enter the room.

Yep. You guessed it.

Jason and Sebastian.

Well this is going to be one eventful night.


So guys?! What do you think? Is it good? I made it longer! And well it's kinda a filler but I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter will be up soon. :D



FAN! <3 Love Ya Loads

- Maria x (;

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