Chapter Twenty Four

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~Chapter Twenty Four~

~Layla's POV~

"WAKE UP!!!"

Jumping 5 feet into the air I turn to see Sebastian and Jason laughing in the doorway. If it wasn't them who was it?

After realizing I flew halfway across the room with surprise, I notice Liaa smiling cheekily. Damn that little girl. Oh she's not little anymore. She's thirteen but she looks a lot taller.

You're on the floor idiot. That's why she's tall.

Noticing how stupid I am, I get up with Liaa's help. Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion I wonder where Maddie disappeared to.

As if reading my thoughts, she walks out of the bathroom with her make-up smudged and her hair looking like Edward Scissorhands'. Staring at everyone for a while, she looks an extra couple of seconds at Seb, until realisation clouds her features and she stares horrified at him. Then runs back into the bathroom.

Hearing the noise of the shower I 'ahh' knowing she didn't want Seb to see her like that.

"Yes honey. He's upstairs." Hearing Arianna's voice from downstairs I suddenly hear the noise of stilettos clacking on the floor.

"Jason...? Jasey Poo?" My mood suddenly changing at just the sound of her voice making me want to throw a chair with Lego on it at her. Yes Lego hurts. BAD.

Turning over to face Jason, I see him cringe at the sound of the voice. Hearing her footsteps get closer and closer she finally arrives. Jason and Seb had laughed so much that they fell to the ground and now lifted themselves off the floor and are now sitting on the sofa against the wall. Walking in, I am given a glance which I translate into saying 'Not-Worth-My-Time'. She turns to Jason and runs over, falling into his lap.

How can she run in heels? I would probably fall over and break...everything.

Getting the sudden urge to punch her in the face, I control it and just stay where I am, calmly cursing her in my head. When I say calmly, I actually mean I want to burn her house and have her spat on by llama's. What? Too harsh? Okay..maybe just spat on by llama's.

"What the hell do you want?" My tone filled with annoyance I glare at Tiffany. Not the glare that you usually give when someone stole the last chocolate bar, it's the glare you use when there's a boy involved. Yes Jason isn't even mine but it doesn't kill to be a little possessive I mean... he is hot... but that's also sort of a downer for me, due to the fact he gets so much attention from hormonal teenage girls. Well if you want to call Tiffany a girl... I personally am heading for 'wicked witch from the west'. Yes, that suits her perfectly.

"I came here to see my BOYFRIEND." Feeling my anger flare I keep my spot and just count to one hundred. Shock filling Jason's gorgeous features as he stands up, making Tiffany fall to the floor.

"I'm not your boyfriend Tiffany!" Jason practically shouts in Tiffany's face. She seems to get it in her head that it is my fault and I see her get ready to lunge at me with perfectly manicured nails. I didn't have a personal trainer for nothing. Getting in a position to fight the witch, I watch her scream and come running towards me. Not to mention in heels..

Feeling her pull at my hair I knee her in the stomach causing her to let go off the strands she was grabbing onto. I hear her groan in pain, my lips grin in satisfaction. Removing her heels and throwing them in the corner, she comes at me once more. This time a little faster, and gets a punch to my face , I respond by twisting her arm and knocking her down to the floor in a headlock. She screams in protest, pleading for me to let her go.

"GIRLS CUT IT OUT!" Jason shouting we both let go of each other, cuts and bruises forming on our faces. "Tiffany. I think you need to leave.. and never return.." Hurt filling over her face I smirk and give her a small, victorious wave. She grabs her 5 inch heels and walks out. Hearing the door shut and the roar of an engine I watch her speed off.

" dum.." Turning our heads we see Maddie walk out of the shower humming to herself. She looks up to see our expression and suddenly shuts up.

"Bad timing?" The three of us nod and she strolls out of the room. Probably going to get her bag with her clothes in because she's wearing mine.. which aren't the best clothes ever. I leave them in there just in case I forget to take some clothes. Seb follows behind her.

"Seems like you were a bit jealous.." Jason trails off looking anywhere but at me.

Rolling my eyes I take a seat on the bed Jason sitting next to me. "No Jason I believe you're mistaken. I most certainly was not jealous. What is there to be jealous of anyways? It's only Tiffany nothing special.." Trying to make the lie believable but I struggle not to look into Jason's eyes because I indeed was jealous. Not that I would ever admit that.

"Oh so you weren't jealous.." Feeling the tension rise I lift myself off of the bed. Jason following my actions. He is moving towards me so I shuffle backwards. Feeling the cool hard surface of the wall on my back I swallow hard. Jason is right in front of me. If he moved any closer we would have our noses touching. Feeling his index finger touch the cut on my cheek I close my eyes and just relax to his soft touch.

Opening them again I see him inching closer, and so am I. He captures my lips in his and we kiss until his tongue licks my bottom lip seeking entrance, and I gladly let him in. Putting my arms around is neck I pull him closer then also feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

"Cough. COUGH" Hearing Jason groan he turns his head and sends an annoyed look to Liaa. I forgot she was in the room. She walked out of the bathroom so she must've gone in after Maddie came out.

"Get out Liaa." Practically pushing Liaa out he talks to her then shuts the door. Giving me enough time to hide in the closet. Trying to keep my laughter in I hear him searching around in the closet. I have a little cupboard in the closet which is wide enough for me to fit in so it is really easy not to get caught, but at the same time quite hard to keep still due to the fact I might fall over.

Hearing his footsteps come a little closer he opens the wardrobe as fast as lightning scaring me to the point where I jump and fall on top of him having him land to the floor with me on top.

Laughing we both just lie there on the floor. Me now next to him, leaning on his shoulder with his arm around my waist.

After long sigh I look up to see Jason ready to say something.

"Layla I can't promise you a perfect relationship but if you're willing to risk having one with me I'm more then happy to try and make it as perfect as possible." I look up at him and scooch up till I'm same level as his head and peck him on the lips signaling the fact that I don't care if its a bad relationship yet we're not even together. He still has to ask me..I'm not going to mention it now though because I don't want to seem like I am just some desperate girl.

Finally my life is back to being perfect...

I think...


So what you guys think? Good chapter..? I tried to add some Jason and Layla moments. :D I need a ship name..? Any ideas..:D I was thinking Layson...;D

Comment the ship name YOU THINK.





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