{Chapter 13}

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The car went on a full stop, making my head bang on the window hard. I fluttered my eyes and see Aidan widening his eyes.

"The heck?" I managed to say.

"Shh!" He says placing his index finger on my lips.

I nod in confusion.

"We're being followed." Aidan whispers removing his finger.

"How?" I say very quiet looking like I mouthed it.

"While we were on highway nine, I saw the same red car following us. As I made a left turn I could see from my side mirror Rose. That's when I speeded up and now were in the middle of the woods."

I crouched down realizing what we had to do next.

"We have to walk."

"What?" Aidan says a bit louder.

"Shh! We have to walk. That's safer then metalins following us!" I scream whisper.

Aidan sighs. "I hate when your right..."


"What was that!?" Aidan scream whispers.

I rolled my eyes. "It's just wind Aidan." I said carrying on walking under the grey cloudy sky.

"Right, sorry I'm not really use to going outside especially with this kind of weather." Aidan says catching up.

"What do you mean? There were days in elementary that it was super windy." I said with the soft wind kissing my face left and right.

"Have you forgotten that I'm still a rebel? Even in elementary? I always snuck in school whenever I didn't like the weather." He says stepping softly on the leaves so they don't make that much sound.

"Right, Yeah I totally forgot. It's just ever since this whole metalins things started to happen- Especially now that I know now, I forgot I had a life before this." I said leaning against a tree with orange leaves falling.

"Well." Aidan says looking up at the tree. "Ever since I developed feelings I started to see this world differently, I mean underneath where I grew up..." Theres a huge silence and Aidan just stares at the orange leaves falling down slowly dancing with the wind.

I wanted to break the silence. "Hey? Umm Aidan, what exactly did you do while growing up?"

Aidan looks at me not smiling just frowning but it wasn't a sad frown. "Well like you, I had a mom and dad but my parents... Let's say they didn't exactly love me or like me, at all heh." He pauses sitting on a huge rock across from me.

"I wasn't a rebel at all, I was what you would call a goody two shoes."

I snort. "You. A goody two shoes? This is harder to believe then me being a danger mix."

Aidan rolls his eyes and continues. "I would always be the guy waving at everyone like a freak. But I didn't have a lot of friends, I mean I had Caleb but I didn't really talk to him as much. All the other metalins like Anika and Cecile weren't really social. I don't really know but as a kid I always felt hollow, Like I needed something to fill me up and make me whole... But mom or dad never showed any love, I guess metalins only show that to their love one and only one... But no one ever gave me that feeling when I was younger..."

I ran up to Aidan sitting next to him and hugging him tight. "That must have been horrible..." I said not letting him go. "It really was..."

I wanted to say something like "Yeah I know how it feels" or "That also happened to me" but. I never went through that, Growing up I had my mom and didn't really see dad but mom was there to cheer me up... But then when Rose appeared into the picture I always thought that mom was coming back... But she was dead the whole time and I still don't know why she got killed, I thought Rose cared but she never gave a damn... I also was hollow without me knowing.


"Yeah?" I said realizing I wasn't hugging him anymore.

"Your crying..." The moment he said that I touched my face feeling cold water running down my face.

"Aidan... I was also hollow without mom growing up. I thought Rose loved me but as you saw she never cared, I was hollow even if I didn't notice it." I say still feeling to cold waterfall running down my face.

"But don't worry." Aidan pulls me into his arms. "I won't let you feel hollow, not when I'm here..." I sob quietly onto his chest, He lets go after a bit.

"C'mon." He says walking.

I nod holding his warm hand through the cold still grey sky.

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