{Chapter 6}

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I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room, I looked down at my clothes to see a navy blue sweatshirt with the number '11' in white on the side.

These aren't my clothes...

I was gonna stand up but I felt chains on my hands making me refuse.

"What the hell?" I said.

I looked around the room, it was a dark painted room making it hard to see the door, its a dark wooden door.

I turned to left to see a huge mirror, I gasped.

Since when did I have blue highlights on my bangs?!

"Who dyed my bloody hair?"

The door slammed open.

"I did, like the new you?"

I growled.

"I shoulda known you were behind the murder of Kate."

"Well she was being a pain, honestly I was glad she was an easy victim to kill."

I widened my eyes.

"Why Anika?"

"I told her to."

Another person went through the door.

I scoffed.

"I knew you asking me to prom was odd."

"Heh well you had to find out one way hon, it was so easy to play with Aidan's emotions." He smirked.


"Well I just needed to tell Aidan that I was 'getting my date' and when he saw you I knew you were gonna say you were my date."

"Aidan was my distraction?" I asked.

"No he had no idea." He grinned putting his phone in my face.

It was a video of Aidan getting beaten up, he was bleeding.

"Tsk why kill Kate!?"

I said trying to avoid tears.

"Because." He comes close.

"She hurts your pretty face too much."

Thats when it hit me.

"Your instagramer." I mumbled.

"Always have been."

"But why? This is all coming too fast!"

"Maybe cause your too smart for me." Caleb grinned.

I blinked.

"You never liked me."

"Nope but I'll admit your really pretty."

That meant nothing, nothing he said meant anything.

"Tsk, you knew how I felt about you or did, I don't like you anymore I didn't wanna say no though."

He scoffed.

"What? Are you in love with Aidan now because he kissed you?"

Love? I know I have feelings for Aidan but love?

"No and for your information I already fell for Aidan a few days after the murder."

Anika yawned.

"Do I really have to be here?" She asked.

"No you can go." Caleb says keeping his eyes on me.

Anika nodded and just left.

"Your gonna be here for a very long time Ath."

"Well good luck with that."

He chuckled.

"Your always so brave Ath."

He takes out a key from his leather jacket and sets me hands free from the chains.

"What?" I asked.

"Just come with me." He says.

"Why should-"

"Do you wanna die?" He smiled.

I growled.

"Fine." I said emotionless.

We exited the room and we walked through a grey hallway.

"Has this always been underneath the school?" I asked.

"I don't know hon."

I rolled my eyes.

"It wouldn't hurt if you'd stop calling me hon right?"

He chuckled.


This is pathetic, I cant believe I actually had a crush on him!


We turn to a room just like mine but with a silver chair.

"Sit." He says pointing at it.


Someone pushes me to it and making me butt land on the hard chair.

"Cause we said so."

I widened my eyes and even dropped my jaw a little.


She smiled.

"Hi Ath."


Thats Cecile coffin, also suppose to be dead!


"I thought you died with your parents from the murder!?"

She laughed.

"Well my parents did die from a murderer but luckily I escaped."

"What? But they said they found your-"

"Body? Nah thats fake its a good thing Neko knows how to do those things."

"Neko? As in from the rebel squad?"

Cecile came closer to me.

"Maybe, maybe not. But enough questions."

Cecile pulls out an injection out from her blue sweater like mine except with the number six on the side.

"Were gonna test you on three things." Caleb comes speaking up.

"Which is?"

I felt the injection going in me. I let out a small yell as it leaves my neck.

"I cant tell you that."

I felt my eyes close even if I felt like I was sleeping, I could feel Caleb's fingers resting on my cheek and he whispers:

"Good luck."

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