{Chapter 9}

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Our gateway.

It's been two days since I've stepped foot outside, This is what I found out:

One, everyone from the rebel squad is in the ghost squad (besides Aidan.) Two, The only way to stay in the ghost squad is to kill your parents (brutal I know but what do you espect from menacing people!) And three, The number on everyone's sweatshirt is basically what they call you its their way of being formal so instead of calling you by your name they call you by their number.

Wow you learn so much from listening from a wall, well for the past two days I've been chained to the floor, having needles pushed into me, and get feeden froglegs.

Kill me now...

I sigh, the only thing thats really on my mind is Husk and Tyler. They must be worried sick! And theres Aidan who must be beating himself up...

Its not your fault, its mine.

I turn to see the door swing open, it wasnt Caleb, Cecile, nor Anika. But a girl with long ink hair and round glasses.

"Hi child." She smiles.

"Who are you?"

"Right, you probably dont know me cause I dont know you either."

I looked at the floor knowing she was gonna remove my chains. Im just imagining myself punching this girl, running away and go in hiding. But in reality theres no way I could do that!

Guess Im staying in here for awhile...

I finally feel the weight off my risks and stand up.

We walk into the halls, white as a floured cow.

"So you're the one they've been talking about." The girl says as we take a turn.

"What?" I asked.

"You must be special."

"Come again?"

"You don't know whats gonna hit you."


"Don't worry small child."

"What the-"

She places her two fingers on my lips.

"Language child." She says removing them.

This girl is weird...

We enter this huge room full of electronics.


I forgot to mention this is called the 'cave' like the clave in shadow-hunters but less cool.


"Come child."

I nod and follow her, probably leading me into another testing room. I swear these things are getting annoying. We stop.

"Why did you-"


I didn't speak I just looked at her.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, only if you shut up." She says.

I nod.

"Good, now follow child."

Why call me child? Why couldn't I be called something less childish?

I just follow the girl into a dark hallway I haven't been in before. There was only a light at the end which I'm assuming is my gateway outta this lousy place. We finally reach at the door and she opens it slowly.

"Be quiet and when you get to the top you will end up in the janitors closet." She says calmly.

I mouth 'thank you' and leave.

"Wait." I whisper "What's your name?"

She doesn't smile, maybe a little hard to tell.

"Its Helga."

I smile and in front of me was a ladder, I climb and climb until I finally reached a door. I punched it and like Helga said I finally reached the janitors closet.


I opened the door to see the familiar hallway that was to cramped before. I looked up to see a clock.


Shoot class ends in-

*ring, ring*

Doors start to swing open and people rush out of there classes, I close the door before people could see me.

As much as I like to see Husk, Tyler, and Aidan. I need to get home and tell Rose.

I turn around to see a window, I open it and climb over to step on the fresh grass.

Fresh air.

I run back home as fast as I can to my apartment so no one can see me.

Rose, Im coming!

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