{Chapter 5}

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Unexpected dance.

"So Aidan was walking you home and then you realized he was the one writing notes for you?" Tyler asks disbelieved.

"Yeah... Pretty much."

"Are we talking about nice Aiden? Or Mr. kill Tyler, Aidan?"

I chuckled.

"Mr. kill Tyler, Aidan."

Something dropped on Husk's phone line.


"Sorry! I just dropped my phone from dancing."

"Come again?" Tyler asks.


My ears started to bleed mentally from how loud she yelled.

"Husk, keep it down!" I heard Tyler scream whisper.

"Heh.. Sorry!" She whispered back.

"Its ok babe." Tyler whispers.

"What did you say sweetie?" Husk whispers back.

"Oh nothing darling."

"Oh hon-"

"Whatcha guys doing?" I played whispering back.

"Oh umm... Husk what do you mean by the ship coming alive?" Tyler says completely ignoring my question.

"Well I mean I did ship you while you two were still enemies and then all of a sudden you guys started to stop talking, but I still saw how he looked at you in classes, like he wanted you."


I didnt tell Husk about the kiss neither does Tyler know, or anybody besides me and Aidan know.


"Are you sure?" Tyler asks.

"Positive!" Husk says.

"Did you find anything else Ath?" Tyler asks.

"No not really."

"Ok." Husk and Tyler say together.

"Well I gotta go, Rose is calling me for another girls night." I said head planting my face into the pillow.

"Ha! Good luck with that!" Tyler said laughing his head off.

"Hahaha! Last time Rose did that you ran to my house and wanted me to call 911!" Husk said laughing with Tyler.

"Well its either that or Rose flirts with the cops!"

"Didnt you say she is a cop?" Husk asks.

"Yeah! But I dont think back then!"


I logged off my Skype account, I think my ears would have broke from the sounds of laughter.


Rose came into my bedroom in a maid outfit.

Kill me now.

"Ok! Time to paint our nails."

Just help me.

"Yay." I said emotionless.

"Oh c'mon! I promise we wont do a campfire inside the house." She smiled.

Why did my parents ever trust this woman!?!

"Ok." I said looking down my grey t-shirt with black wording 'Reality' on the front.

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