{Chapter 2}

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The party

"Im not lying Rose! I actually got invited!"

"Sure." Rosetta rolls her eyes.

"Here is the invitation!" I said waving the pink envelope in her face.

"Okay, okay." She said pushing the letter away.

"It's just hard to believe Ath."

All of a sudden Rose had a smirk on her face.



That my friends is the 'I have the best idea' smirk which I know as the 'must not do' smirk!

Last time Rose had that smirk I almost got hit by a car because she wanted to play Pokemon go with me!




"C'mon Ath it's not that bad."

"That's what you said when you almost burned the kitchen."


She wanted to do cooking blind folded, I don't even know why I agreed to that!


"Fine I'll hear you out." I said crossing my arms.

"Perfect!" She jumped out of the couch and dragged me out of the apartment.

"W-where are we going?" I asked frightened.

"To the mall, we're gonna get you a nice outfit." She smiled.

Oh no.


"It's perfect!" She squealed.

I was wearing a white tank top with a small blue shirt on top and wearing jeans.

"Wow I actually look good for once."

"Yup and it's only twenty bucks." She smiled.

As we exit forever twenty one, the party was about to start.

"Well come on you don't wanna be late!" She said dragging me again.

"Ok, ok, chill fam!"

"Wait!" She yelled and stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"You need to have a quick snack before you go!"

"Can't I eat at the party?" I asked.

"No! Some people drug beverages!" She said.

"Fine, fresh slice?"

"Yes!" I said drooling.


Besides Tyler and Husk, fresh slice is my best friend! Whenever I feel down Rose would always get me fresh slice, were inseparable!


"Two slices of pesto pizza please." I said with a smile.

I was so excited to dig in my pizza until I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I turned around to see.



Yeah that's once again, Caleb knight the one who was staring at me during lunch, I have to admit I sorta have a small crush on him.


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