*FoRgOtTeN mEmOrY*

32 4 0

The night.

"But mommy." I said rubbing my eyes.

"I'm not-" I yawned, "Tired."

She laughs.

Her long black hair like mine looked like black noodles.

I wish I could eat it...

She picks me up. "Yes you are my princess." She says rubbing her nose against mine.

I giggled as she entered my purple room and she places me down my square purpled sheets.

I love purple! I love it so much I could marry it!

She covers me up and kisses my forehead.

"Night mommy." I yawn.

"Good night my sweet princess."

"Wait mommy!" I yell before she leaves the room.


I frown thinking what I was gonna say.

"When is Daddy coming back?"

Mom looks down at my grey carpet floor.

Is there a puppy?!

I look down also but no puppy. She looks up at me and sorta smiles.

"He umm-"

The door bell rings.

"I'll answer that later sweetie, go to bed night!" She smiles and closes the door.

I sigh.

Sunshines and rainbows!

I close my eyes going into dreamland.


I gasped and started hearing yelling.


I get off my bed slowly and creep under my bed.

"Your not taking her away!"

"Heh, I will."

"I'll send someone to protect her! She will reach her full potential!"

"Like that will happen!"

I dont understand some of the words their saying...

I suddenly hear a pow and hear something hit the floor, and I could see just a little bit of what fell since my door was slightly open.

Mommy and blood dont mix...

I begin to cry slowly, I hear a door swing open.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Bella the traitor."


"Why did you betray us, Bella?"

"Your kind will never understand that this has gone too far!"

"I don't care Bella! She took my child!"

"Well your a bad influence on her child!"

I suddenly hear a sob and my door widens.

"Maybe next time don't say her child."

A man shoves a knife in long black haired girl with blue tips on the end.

"Your sister was always my favourite."

And I cant remember the rest.

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