{Chapter 8}

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Heh, if Ath actually thought I would kill Kate I would be laughing my head off. I didnt kill Kate duh, I cant even tag my own brother in a game. But if Ath actually believed me, I dont know how that girl passes her classes.

Actually! On the night of Kate's death I was just re-reading the harry potter series cause I'm cool.

"You are dismissed class."

I groaned, I actually like school because of it's challenges.

I exited my math class and headed to my locker, I ducked my head down avoiding the raged Aidan. Poor guy he's been worried sick about Ath.

Love is over rated.

I turned my combination on my lock, taking out all my books from my locker. I dont use my locker I just take everything home.

"Oh my god Tyler what if she's gone!"

I turned around and eyed Tyler and Husk.

Why them out of all people?

"Shh Husk we have to have Hope." He says Hugging her.

Ew love, must leave room before I barf!

I bolted out of the hallway and still kept my head down, knowing where I was going. I turned to the barely lighted wing with no one in sight. I walk around the wing looking for the room to meet up with the guild.

I dont say squad cause thats just used too much.

Ok, me and Ath have a history. She's been my friend since grade five, believe it or not she wasnt a loser in elementary. She's my apartment neighbour we've known each other but not friends until grade five. We just bonded over Girl meets world stuff, same goes for Cecile.

One day Ath was sick and it was just me and Cecile hanging out at the playground.

"Hey can you keep a secret?" Cecile asks me.

"Yeah why?"

"Meet me after school at this very spot." Cecile said.

So when school ended I went to that spot and met up with Cecile.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Cecile drifts off.

"Follow me."


"Just do it, and call your mom saying your coming to my house."

I nod and pull out my phone and dialed.

"-yes mom, ok bye!" I hanged up.

"Follow me." Cecile says.

I followed her and we ended up taking a path not to her house.

"Cecile your house it that way."

"Were not going to my house." She's says like she's dead.

"But you said-"

"Just follow me! God!"

I never seen Cecile angry...

I nod scared and just followed her. We ended up going to a huge building.

"This is the high school were going to when were older."

"Cool." I said trying to sound as dead as her.


She pushes the doors and we walk up the stairs entering the second floor, we make a turn to a not so bright hallway.

Why do I feel weird?

"Come on." Cecile says sounding like she's annoyed.

We walk into the hallway and she stops and turns to a room. She opens the door and goes inside.

"Should we really-"

"Just come in!" She scream whispers.

I roll my eyes and enter the room. She closes the door behind me and U see a vending machine infront of us. Cecile approaches it and starts pressing buttons.

1796 I think?

All of a sudden the vending machine turns into an elevator. I place down my backpack to get something.

"What are you doing!?" Cecile asks.

"Getting a stickynote!"

I start to write down:

1796 is danger!

I place it on the glass and follow Cecile into the elevator. It closed and a red light started scanning us, it stopped.

"Number six, who did you bring?" A speaker asks.

"Dont worry she will be joining us." Cecile says.

"I am?" I mouth.

The door opens and I see white walls.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Cecile smiles.

"Welcome to Ghost squad head quaters!" Cecile says exiting the box.

"What is this?"

"We're here to see if Ath is up to her full potential." She smiles.

I blink.

"Full potential."

Cecile bends down explaining everything in a whisper.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah, over here." She says turning a hallway showing a room full of tvs and gagets.

"This is the cave." She says grabbing a blue sweater with the number seven.

"Ready to help Anika?" She says handing me the sweater.

I nod.

"Swear on my life I wont tell her about this until its time."

The next day Ath came back to school and hanged out with me.

"Anything crazy happen?" Ath asks.

"Nope." I smiled.

Its hard lieing to her but this is for her own good.

A/n: Happy a day early birthday Anika!🎉

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