{Chapter 1}

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As I walk into the crowded room called the "cafeteria" or should I say "squad zones." You see the people who sit at a table and stay together for awhile, thats a squad but we do it differently here.

So you know how there are ranks at school? Like popular, middle class, and low? But in our school we have a rank called "rebels." (Pretty much the adventurous kids with style.) Well what your rank is and the people in your rank, is your squad and you have a squad name, so popular girls is the Starbucks squad and popular guys is the savage squad, if your middle class your the classy squad, rebels are the trouble makers squad, and lows are the losers were not even good enough to even have a squad.

I sit down next to Tyler in the corner.

"This spot taken?"

We both look up and saw a girl with blue hair.


This is Husk Soul, she isn't a low like us but she is a good friend risking her popularity just to be seen with us, I love her for that.

We've been friends since forth grade. Me,Husk, and Mel were like sisters. But with every great friendship that has a disney princess club come to an end when Mel told Husk something, so thats when we all separated.

But Husk and I always stayed with each other cause secretly she has a crush on Tyler and he is my brother by heart so thats half of the reason she stayed with me, well besides the part that we can still fangirl about disney channel shows that we still sorta secretly watch together.


"Always reserved for my lucaya shipper." I said.

"And you will be a lucaya shipper soon too." She said sitting next to me.

"Nah, rucas is better." I smiled.

"I hate girl meets world." Tyler said covering his face.

"We hate dog with a blog as well." Me and Husk laughed.

"No dog with a blog is the best Disney channel show ever." Tyler pouted.

"Whatever, I can't stand the dog, he isn't even funny!" I pointed out.

"Correction, you have no sense of humour."

"Savage." Husk laughed.

I covered my ears.

"Please stop saying that, the boys in my class always say that whenever someone does something!"

"I know right!" Tyler says.

I started eating my pizza until I felt a nudge from Husk.

"I think that guy is staring at you."

I looked up and saw Caleb.


This is Caleb knight, he has the one of the nicest blond hair I have ever seen! He's in the *cough* savage squad, But I don't know why he would be staring at me?


"Caleb? No way." I said.

"I think he is."

Suddenly I saw some people sneaking upstairs to the roof, even though your not suppose to.

"Excuse me, I need to go for a second." I stand up and follow the crowd.


"Yes! Just tie the rope here and then we can go zip lining!" I heard a guy say.

I open the door.

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