Chapter 19...

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A few days later, everyone was back at school.

“How’s Phee? Is she feeling any better?” Bella asked anxiously, cuddling into Stefan’s embrace.

“She better; the doctor’s confirmed that she’ll be out soon.”

“And the baby?” Tina asked, resting her head on Harry’s shoulder. Harry soon came to his senses after the fire at Phee’s house. Realizing life was too short; he ran all the way to Tina’s house to find his brother propositioning her. After a flare up between the siblings, Neil had confessed to asking Tina out. A furious Harry flipped his brother off, said some very rude words and stayed in the spare room at Tina’s house for the night.

They’d been stuck to the hip ever since.

“They’re still running tests but it looks positive,” Carl said. “I’m going to see her after school today, see how she’s doing.”

“He’s seems to be spending an awful lot of time down at that hospital.” Viola speculated.

“Yeah, think something’s going on?” Ella asked.

“Almost certainly.” Viola replied confidently.

Carl turned back to the bed and sat down after asking the nurse for some vases. She’d asked why so many then took a look at all the flowers and decided to leave it.

“Carl?” Phee asked weakly, her eyes fluttering open.

“Phee… hey babes,” Carl said, leaning down and encircling her with his arms.

“What… what happened?” Phee asked wearily.

“You don’t remember?”

“I just feel a little queasy. I’m tired so I’m not remembering everything. I can remember cooking dinner and waking up on the floor. My leg hurt, it was really painful. And my tummy, it hurt really badly… the baby! Carl, what did they say about the baby? Oh, god, please tell me everything’s alright!” Phee said, her eyes wide, threatening to pour with tears.

“Calm down sweet heart, the doctors are running tests but it looks good so far.” Carl reassured her.

A shaky smile formed and a lone tear ran down her cheek. She stroked her hands over her slowly protruding belly and looked up at Carl. She leaned over hesitantly, seeming to assess his reaction before closing in and brushing her mouth across his.

“Carl, I’m sorry I was so horrible to you. I was just upset and I needed someone to take it out on. But I’ve had time to think over my feelings and I’ve come to find, Carl, that I love you.” Phee sniffled and took his hand in hers.

“What?” Carl said, his eyebrows drawing together in puzzlement.

“I love you and I’d like to go out with you sometime, if you’d like?”

“I’d love, and I love you too, Phee,” Carl replied and kissed her fiercely.

A huge party was thrown for Phee’s home coming. Bella and Stefan along with Ella, Jacob, Ash and Jared organised the whole get together with most of the school invited, not including the obvious no-goes like Tyra and her gang.

By the time Phee and Carl arrived at quarter to ten, the party was in full swing everyone dancing, drinking and hooking up with anyone in a pair of jeans at the party.

Roxy was over talking to Jack, looking guilty and hugely apologetic. “Jack, I’m so sorry for what I said to you. I didn’t mean it and I was just mad at Tina and how things were working out for Amy.”

“Are you and Tina okay now?” Jack asked, concerned.

“Yeah, we’ve sorted things out and she’s explained things.”

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