Chapter 10 :/

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Saturday night, Stefan came round to Amy’s with Gareth walking beside him.

Stefan hadn’t been himself in ages. He was a shell of his former self. He bunked off school, missed homework, turned off his phone for days on end. He looked pale and sickly, his eyes blood-shot from lack of sleep and his clothes dirty from being warn to often.

“Hey,” Gareth said when Amy opened the door. Stefan didn’t say anything, just sloped in and walked straight to the kitchen, looking closest thing to alcohol. He found a bottle of Vodka and a six pack of Guinness and set to work uncorking and drinking.

“He’s been like that every time he comes round to my house. Goes for the alcohol and then an hour later goes out and buys another load of it. Bella breaking with him really hit him hard.”

“God and he won’t talk to anyone. Dad’s worried and mum is just a plain basket case. I don’t know what we are going to do but we’ve got to think of something fast. He’s a second away from drugs and suicide.”

“I know, but so far I haven’t got a bright suggestion to give you.”

“All I know is Bella looks a train wreck every time I see her and she screams at anyone who asks her if they can borrow her ruler. Viola was about to slap her yesterday when she flew off the handle about the fact her pencil wasn’t sharpened. One thing I noticed though, if it’s any help at all; Bella’s still wearing the locket Stefan gave to her for her birthday, the one with their initials carved into it.”

“That could be a sign that Bella misses him just as much as he misses her_.”

Before Gareth could finish his sentence, a loud sound of glass shattering came from the lounge where Stefan was. Gareth and Amy were in their before a second had passed.

Stefan had thrown his fifth empty beer bottle at the wall and was slumped half on, half off the chair.

He was mumbling something in his drunken state. “Still love her, locket means everything, still love her.” Before he fell into sleep.

“Right, he’ll be out like a light for the next hour or so. Help me carry him up stairs and clean the room before mum gets back otherwise, we will all be, quite literally, up shit creek without a paddle.” Gareth said, in a matter-of-fact voice.

“Okay, let’s go,” Amy said, moving to lift Stefan’s upper body while Gareth moved to haul Stefan’s lower body up the stairs.

It took them twenty minutes to get Stefan all the way upstairs and into Amy’s bedroom. Amy and Stefan’s mum got home in ten.

Facebook: Ella’s computer

Facebook has just added ten daily new matches for you; click her to find out more. Ella read the message and clicked on the server. She was greeted by ten possible candidates, love interest wise, and read each one in turn.

Darren Hobbs

Forty-two, likes cooking, gardening and reading stories from the Georgian period.

Definite no. Ella thought.

Ying Toi

Eight-teen, likes computer games, cartoon designing, and wearing pink.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Wouldn’t be interested. Ella thought, disappointed.

Luke Hardin

Seventeen, likes guitar, playing football and DJ.

Single and heterosexual

We have a winner. Ella thought, clicking on set up date button.

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