Chapter 8 :/

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“Hey guys, where’s Phoenix?” Ella and Roxy asked in unison, walking into the sixth form building and helloing all they’re friends who were gathered by the door.

“She called me, said that her mum was making her have a day of school after she was caught throwing up in the toilets.” Viola answered her voice deep and her head lowered.

“Well, if none of us could convince to atleast to take a day off to rest then it was bound to be her mum,” Roxy said.

“Yep, her mum could to tell the polar bears to go off back to Iceland and they’d listen,” Tasha said, shaking her head.

“Tasha, babes, polar bears are in the arctic, not in Iceland,” Viola said quietly, putting her arms round Tasha and urging her head down onto her shoulder.

“Oh,” Tasha said, complying with Viola’s hand.

Sam and Ash laughed.

“Hi guys,” Carl said, walking across the playground.

“Carl?!” Sam said, hugging him and then sliding over to Pete and wrapping her right arm round his waist. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t starting till next week.” Sam asked.

“Well, I talked to the headmaster and he thought that it wouldn’t do any harm if I started a day or two early.” Carl smiled wolfishly.

“Wicked, I’ll give you a tour round the school later,” Sam offered, kissing Pete’s cheek when he frowned.

“No need to go to any trouble Sam; I’ll gladly take Carl round the school,” Ella smiled flirtingly up at Carl, sidling closer to him with a few steps.

“Uh, thanks for the offer but I think I remember Phee making me promise to let her have the honour of showing me round.” Carl smiled, relieved that he’d gotten himself out of that one easily. Then he started looking round expectedly for Phee, as if he thought she’d be there, ready to pop up out of nowhere and defend her position as his guide.

“Phee’s not here to day Carl,” Sam said sadly. When his expression dropped in total disappointment, she thought she might cry for him. “She’ll be back tomorrow, if you just hold out on the tour till then I’m sure Phee will still do it.” Then whispering in Carl’s ear, Sam said. “I just hope you can keep the piranha at bay before she handcuffs you to her.”

The sides of Carl’s mouth quirked up in amusement as they both glanced over at a very eager looking Ella, who kept flicking her hair back so widely Sam thought she might snap her neck. She could just imagine Ella running around with a wobbly head when they played basketball this afternoon.

Sam burst out laughing a minute later.

Facebook: evening, 6:00


Guess what, Stefan told me he’s moving skl




Yh, I’m the only one he’s told so don’t go spreading it around, k?



MSN: evening 6:02


I hav news, Stefan’s moving skl




Yh, I’m the only one he’s told tho so don’t go spreading it around, k?

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