Chapter 2 ;)

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Peter Johnson has invited me to a party at his house while his parents are away. What do I do? S

What do you think you should do? Say yes. Remember to get a few of your pallies invited too though. V

KK, I’ll tell him now. S

I’d love to come but could a few of my friends come too? S

Sure, at 48 Dunstan Rd Brixton, at 8pm till 12. C u there x

“Oh my God, I just got invited to Peter Johnson’s house party tomorrow!” Samantha screamed.

“Peter Johnson? Isn’t he one of the guys on the rugby team with Rio and Sean, Tasha boyfriend?” Phoeniix said.

“He’s the really cute one who plays winger, right? Aw, Sam you gotta get me invited please!” Roxy pleaded. Roxy was in the other class with Tina, Tasha and Amber. She’d been looking at guys but none of then were boyfriend material.

“We’ll see. I heard some of his mates will be there, you know, Gareth Smith from Science 1, Elliot Thompson from English 6 and Harry Iles who’s quarterback.” Sammy said.

“I think Sean said something about getting invited, we’ll be going over at about nine,” said Tasha.

“Yeah, Rio too. I think we’ll be getting there about nine as well. Do you want to meet up in the Square and walk together from there?” Phoeniix said.

“Cool that would be great.”

“Viola, you could bring Robbie, I know you two haven’t seen each other since the summer a few weeks back but this would be a good chance for you to introduce him to all of us.” Amy said to Viola when she sat down on the bench.

“Well, I think he’s free, but I’ll ask him.” Viola said in reply.

Just then Sean came up and grabbed Tasha by the waist, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Babe, could I talk to you for a minute?” When Tasha nodded, Sean at us over her shoulder, “In private,” he added.

“Sure,” Tasha replied, and then they both walked off.

“What do you think that’s about?” Ella said after spotting Sean and Tasha talking over the playground.

“Don’t know, I hope it’s nothing serious though.” Bella put in.

“I don’t know, but it looks pretty serious,” Viola said.

“Hey guys, what’s going on with Tasha and Sean?” Tina came over and hugged everyone before sitting down on the bench next to Phoeniix.

“It looked quite serious.” Roxy said, following behind her.

“Okay, I think we’ve got it that it looks serious! The next person who says serious looses an arm.” Phoeniix warned.

“Guys, guess what! Sean’s got a job! It’s nothing big but it’s working in the book store down the road. I can’t believe it, it’s serious opportunity for him.” Tasha says walking back over to the benches.

“Run.” Sam said, deadpan.

Jack Rues or Bug as everyone called him was stumbling along the hallway when he spotted Stefan De Valow, an old friend who he knew from way back.

“Stefan! Stefan, hi, how are you?” he said pushing his glasses further up his nose.

“Hey Bug, I’m fine. And you?” Stefan replied.

“Yeah, I’m f_” Bug broke off have way through. He was looking across the playground, staring at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. “W-who is t-that right there?” he stuttered pointing over at Roxy talking to Tina and Tasha.

“Who?” Stefan said, following the direction in which Bug was looking in. “Roxy; you like Roxy?”

Bug nodded. “S-should I go over there and talk to her or what? I mean_” again Bug stuttered.

“Listen, mate, I know I’m probably not the best one for giving advice, as you know when I first asked Bella out I was total basket case from the beginning but if you want to ask her out then wait till tomorrow, I can get you into the party and ask her then.” Before walking away, Stefan pulled Bug back and looked him up and down. “Come over half an hour earlier to my house. I’ll lend you some clothes for Saturday.”

“What’s wrong with my clothes?” said Bug, offended.

Stefan tugged at Bug’s knitted green and red jumper, “Need I say more?”

Babes, I can’t make it to Pete’s party 2moz, I just got hung up and have got to look after my baby sister tonight. Soz, I’ll make it up to you.

A text from Rio to Phoeniix.

“I’m getting really sick of this. He’s been cancelling on me at the last minute a lot lately. It’s always looking after his sister or busy cause too much homework; he hardly ever does his homework anyway, for Christ’s sake! I don’t know what’s going on but I’m gonna find out.”

“So does that mean that you’re not coming to Pete’s party tomorrow?” Sammy asked, on the other end of the line.

“Of course I am, I’m just coming alone, that’s all, got to go, see you tomorrow,” Phoeniix said drearily, and hung up.

Sam hung up then called Roxy, “Do you still have his mobile number on your phone?”

“Yeah, why?” Roxy replied.

“I need you to text it to me in the next 20 minutes.” Sam rushed in.



Next, Sam rang up Peter. “Hey, Pete, I need a favour.”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“I need you to add someone to your party list.”

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