Chapter 4 ;)

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Tasha, where were you? You seemed 2 disappear half way thru Pete’s party. What happened? R

Oh, she wasn’t the only one who disappeared, Sean went bout the same time as well. P

Is that right? Never mind answering my previous question, answer: How far did you get? R

Tell you at break. T

Everyone gathered round Tasha as soon as the buzzer went and they got to there table. With bags thrown to the ground and Tasha sitting on the table next to Ella and Tina, all eyes were centred on her.

“So, did you?” Ella asked, eyeing Tasha anxiously.

“Did I what?” Tasha replied, coolly.

“You know what, Tash. Did you and Sean finally do it?” Viola put in sharply, annoyed at Tasha’s crap attempt at acting thick.

“I’m still stuck on what you mean be ‘it’,” Tasha said.

“Sex! You complete twit, for God’s sake, sex!” Ella shouted, raising her arms above her head in aggravation. Then realising what she’d just announced, looked around and behind her. Almost everyone in the playground was staring at her. The year ten’s looking at her in appreciation at the idea that she might have had sex. The year nine’s and eight’s laughing and rushing into gossip with there friends. The year seven’s giggling that she’d actually said the word. “Oh shit,” Ella said and buried her face in her hands.

“You got that right; I can’t wait to here the rumour that’ll be starting bout you tomorrow.” Roxy laughed. As the queen of gossip, Roxy knew everything to know about everyone.

“L-o-l, I’ll be waiting for you to pass the message on.” Tina said, Roxy’s partner in crime.

“Hey girls,” Gareth said, as he, Pete, Harry, Stefan and Sean all walked over to their table. “How are you?”

A collection of ‘fines’, ‘alright’, and ‘I’m good’s’ followed in reply from the girls.

“Hi, Sean, we were just talking bout you,” Phoeniix smiled slyly, high-fiving Roxy behind her.

At Sean’s confused look, Tasha quickly said, “Nothing, just a joke,” elbowing Phoeniix in the ribs.

“So, Tina,” Harry said after he’d sidled over next to her away from the rest of the crowd. “I was wondering if you’d wanna come out with me sometime, you know, to the park after school maybe.”

Tina smiled. “Yeah, why not? It would be fun, today after school. Can you come and find me at my locker?”

“Sure,” Harry smiled coolly back and guided her back over to the others.

“I’m not sure bout you lot, but I’m still car parked after that party,” Stefan joked. He was sitting with Bella in between his legs on the bench.

“L-o-l,” Viola replied. “That’s off Michael McIntyre’s comedy road show isn’t it?”

“Oh, oh, oh,” Phoeniix said, flapping her hand over her forehead in mock distress, which was followed by a burst of laughter. “Darling, you drive, I’m utterly shish kebabed.” She fell back and Sammy caught her under the arms.

Roxy jumped forward with Viola and Ella and said “Emergency services, how may I help you? _” Then all of them together yelled, “Ooooooooh, my sex is on fire!” which earned them another round of laughter.

“Hey babe,” Rio said, looking at Tyra quickly before sliding his arm around Phoeniix’s waist.

“Hi,” she said in reply.

“Uh, Phoeniix, I forgot to ask, what happened with Carl? He showed up, you and he talked for five minutes then you didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the night.” Sammy said, in puzzlement.

“Oh, so it was you who invited that arsehole round to the party.” Rio said, cutting off Phoeniix’s reply. “Well, listen sweetheart, I suggest you keep out of our business, we don’t need that tosser round here causing trouble again_”

Before Rio could finish his sentence, Pete had grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the eye. Rio, after finally managing to stand, leapt on Pete, tackling to the concrete floor. Stefan and Gareth both leapt in, making unsuccessful attempts at trying to break two boys apart. In the end, the P.E. teacher Ms McInturner, who was in fact to all of us a bit of a bisexual paedophile, grabbed onto Pete and yanked him off Rio. Rio got up and stormed off while Pete fell back on to the bench.

“Oh God, Pete! Let me take you to the reception, you cut your lip, oh God!” Samantha said, taking Pete’s hand and walking him to the reception.

“Bloody hell,” Viola and Tina said in unison.

“Rio was straight up outta order. Those things he said to Sam, no wonder Pete punched him.” Harry said, running a hand through his hair.

“What? Why would Pete attack him like that?!” Ella said to Harry.

“Pete likes her_ Shit!” Harry replied.

Tina, Tasha, Bella, Phoeniix, Viola, Roxy and Ella all just smiled.

Behind the science block, Tyra was tilting Rio’s chin so she could look at his bruised face.

“I can’t believe he just punched you like that,” Tyra said in disgust.

“The arsehole’s just a waste of time,” Rio replied, dead pan.

“You were so brave, fighting him like that,” Tyra gushed.

“Yeah, yeah, well that’s what you get when shits like that think they can punch me, they just get shown a lesson,” Rio said, darkly. Tyra reached up and stroked the back of her fingers along his bruised cheek.

“Ow, God, that hurt,” Rio said, weakly.

“Oh, sorry baby, do you want me to kiss it better?” Tyra said, flirting on a high note.

“Yes please,” Rio growled, lunging for her waist.

Meanwhile, Samantha had sat Pete down, wet a cloth the receptionist had given her and was lightly dabbing Pete’s swollen lip.

“God, Pete, why did you start a fight with Rio? You know he’s captain of the rugby team, and he’s a good fighter.”

“I’m in the rugby team too,” Pete said, indignantly.

“But you know he’s stronger, why did you do it?” Sam said, desperately.

Pete stayed quiet for a minute, and then muttered, “I didn’t want him talking to you like that anymore.”

Sam stared open mouthed, struck speechless, “I don’t know what to say,” she finally said quietly.

“Say you’ll come out with me to my house tomorrow for a bite to eat or something, maybe?” Pete said, anxiously.

Sam lifted one eyebrow, “Will there be nuts?”

Pete looked at her as if she’d grown two heads, “Uh,”

“Peanuts,” Sam looked cautiously at Pete.

Pete blushed, “There will be peanuts.”

Sam smiled brightly, “Then I will come out with you to your house tomorrow for dinner or something.”

Pete was grinning from ear to ear when he left the office.

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