Chapter 15 :(

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The next day, Phoenix and Viola walked into the common room, Roxy, Tina and Sam walking in behind them. Phee was about to sit down on one of the chairs when Rio held her arm back and stopped her.

“Phee, I want to talk to you,” Rio said.

“What about?” Phee replied coldly.

“Yesterday, the way I acted, I’m sorry. We’re going to have this baby and we’re going look after_,” Rio broke off.

“No; I’m going to have this baby and I’m going to look after it. You aren’t coming within thirty mile radius of my child.” Phoenix said, her eyes forming into slits.

“What? No wait, Phee what are you_”

“Were you going to keep shagging Tyra after I’d had my baby?!” Phoenix hissed loudly. Everyone in the room turned towards them.

“I didn’t know she was pregnant,” Roxy said to Viola. Viola didn’t glance at her, just flicked her hand in dismissal, her eyes glued to the couple.

“Th-That’s stupid Phee, where d’you hear that_?” Rio stuttered nervously.

“Rio, I didn’t hear anything. I got the whole bloody display; God, you know, I could have lived my whole life without having that scene imprinted in my head? I’m scarred for life.”

“I-I, what are you talking about?”

“Little tip sweetheart: when you decide to screw the person you’re cheating with, choose somewhere not as public as a party.”

“It’s not like that Phee, listen please_”

“No, I’m not listening to you anymore; you’re going to listen to me! Why did you do it Rio? God, I feel like a freaking fool.”

“Phee, please_”

“How long?!”


“How bloody long where you two, God, can’t even say it,” she paused, “behind my back?”

“I-I don’t know,” Rio stammered.

“God Rio, the secrets out now. Atleast give me this, yeah? How long?”

“Month, maybe two,” at everyone’s disbelieving look, Rio corrected, “bout six months.”

Phee gasped and her hand flew to her mouth to cover the small wave a nausea rushing over her.

“B-But Phee it doesn’t matter, we’re going to have this baby and look after it; together.”

“You need help if you ever think you’re coming near this baby. I’m going to have my child by myself and as along as I live there is no way you are ever going to be part of its life!” Phee said turning, about to walk away.

“Phee wait!” Rio said, grabbing her hand.

Phee twisted out of his grip and slapped him hard across the face. Everyone stared as they heard the fierce crack of her hand meeting his face. Then, she looked him up and down and hissed, “Don’t you touch me, you sad dirty bastard!” Phoenix turned walking out of the room, her face flooded with tears.

“Hey guys, I just heard from Lisa that Will told her that Marissa told her that Jez told him that the corner shop – buy your shit and other business here – has been robbed. Some thugs rammed the place took most of the cash along with some of the food and drink.” Jack told Sean, Gareth and Pete.

“No way?!” Sean exclaimed.

“Get out,” Pete said.

“Yeah but they don’t have any leads yet on whose done it.” Jack said then paused as Gareth walked speedily away from them. “What’s his problem?”

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