Chapter 7 :/

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Facebook: after school


She lked as if the idea wood kill her


Right, u no wat ur gonna do?


No, wat?


Ur gonna ask her again


She’ll think I’m stalking her


Wait, let me finish. Ur gonna ask her again afta u cum round my house b4 skl and borrow sum of my clothes. Then, we r gonna go shopping & get u a new wardrobe.


Plz tell me, wat is wrong with my clothes?!


Remember the jumper convo last week?




Just b at my house 2moz at 8, k?


I’ll b there

“Take two,” Stefan whispered then pushed Jack out to the table. All the girls were there plus Gareth, Pete; who had his arms wrapped tightly round Sam’s waist in show of possession, kissing her neck lightly, and Sean who was, if not for the fact he was in a playground, would’ve been committing a very inappropriate act for anyone under the age of 12, with Tasha.

Everyone looked up as Jack approached, their eyes turning to saucepans in a matter of seconds.

Jack’s usual cotton trousers were replaced by a pair of casual blue jeans and his red and green knit jumper switched to a plain red t-shirt and black denim jacket with trainers instead of plimsolls.

“Bloody hell,” said Tina, Viola, Roxy, Bella, Phoeniix, Ashlyn, Tyra and Amy.

Tasha, who had broke off for breath after commencing base one, the prize won event (snogging), with Sean said, “Right, do we know him? And if that’s a no, somebody better tell me why the fuck not?”

“I think you guys have met, this is Jack,” Stefan said behind Bella while hugging her round the waist.



“That’s not him,”

“It’s impossible,”

“But it can’t be,”

“No way,”

“Who has that kind of money?”

“Um, I think Jack wanted to talk with Roxy,” Stefan intervened, giving Jack a nudge with his elbow.

“O-oh yeah, could I talk with you for a minute Roxy?” Jack asked her.

Roxy smiled brightly and grabbed his hand bringing him over a few metres away from the rest of the group.

“Um Roxy?” Jack started.

“Of course I’ll go out with you!”

“R-really?” Jack looked as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

“Yeah, c’mon, we’ll start now, we can go get lunch and eat out on the field,” Roxy said quickly.

“Cool,” Jack said, stumbling as Roxy dragged him along.

Before they made it to the lunch hall, Jack quickly muttered in Stefan’s ear, “I owe you a hell of a big one mate.”

“Don’t worry bout it, I needed to pay you back from the geo homework you let me copy off you.” Stephan replied, patting him on the back.

“I’m having trouble remembering the ‘I let you’ part,” Jack said, an eyebrow raised.

“I think someone’s waiting for you,” Stefan said, nodding in the direction of Roxy, who was, in turn staring back at Jack. Almost at once, Jack’s expression softened. “Anyways, if we’re done here I’m busy.” Stefan finished, turning his head to Bella and kissing her slowly and deeply.

Jack just took Roxy’s hand and started making his way down to the lunch hall.

Pulling her mouth away from Stefan’s, Bella quickly said, “Babes, I swear that’d your denim jacket.” She said quirking an eyebrow.

“Urgg,” Phoeniix sat up in bed with a head that felt like a rounder’s ball where the bat was replaced by a hammer. “Oh God,” she groaned.

Dragging herself in to the bathroom, she walked over to the mirror and inspected her reflection. Her skin was a very pale white, not much of a difference to the last 16 years of my life then, she thought. Her eyes were blood-shot from lack of sleep and her hair was bundled on top of her head, matted brush style. Suddenly, she felt sick and ran over to the toilet, disposing of the remains of last night’s bolognaise and jacket potato.

“Phee, you alright, sweets?” Her mum said running up the stairs and rubbing Phee’s back soothingly.

“Yeah, I’m fine_” she said as another wave of nausea swept through her, causing her to bend over add the slice of banana bread and cream to the mix as well.

“No you’re bloody well not! You’re staying at home today, Phee, and no excuses,” Phee’s mum said.

“God!” Phee muttered angrily, smacking her head down on top of her arm that was placed on the ridge of the toilet.

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