Chapter 13 :(

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“Sean!” Tasha cried when she saw her boyfriend walking out of the school gates. When he heard her voice he stopped and turned, waiting for her to catch up to him. “Hey, why didn’t you wait for me, we’re supposed to be going into Croydon for after school lunch.”

“Ah, well, um; you see, the thing is Tasha, babes, I said I’d do an extra shift at work and_” Sean began.

“You forgot didn’t you?”

“No, not really, but you know how it is with the job, babes,” Sean looked pleadingly at her.

“So what, you decided that your job is more important than your relationship. I know that your job is important to you Sean but this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. On Saturday you cancelled on me when we were supposed to go to the park. Two weeks ago you called an hour late while I was still waiting at my house for you, to hear you call and tell me that you had offered to do another shift. This is getting ridiculous Sean.”

“I’m sorry, babes, I really am but what can I do?”

“I want to have a break,” Tasha said her eyes downcast.

“So what you’re dumping me?”

“Sean, if your job’s more important to you than spending time with me then I think we should take a time out; you know, date new people_” Tasha broke off when she saw Sean’s screwed up face.

“Why would I want anyone else; I love you Tasha.” Sean said, looking into her eyes, his expression immediately softening.

“If I was that important to you why would you choose to ditch me for your job?!” Tasha yelled, suddenly losing her rag. I’m the one compromising here, the least he could do was agree, but oh no, that would just be too easy; he just has to confuse me by telling me he loves me, Tasha thought.

“Tasha, you know I need this job. Mum’s got a job but it covers the house, food etc. I need this money for uni.” Sean said, trying to reason with her.

“Sean; just please. Give this idea a chance. You need this job and I need a boyfriend who doesn’t cancel on me an hour into our date. Just, give me some space please.” Tasha then turned and walked off, leaving Sean to go to his job which, right now, felt like the lousiest thing in the world.

“Hey guys, did you hear? Bam-bam and Amie are throwing another party this year and everyone in our year, plus a few from year 11, are invited to come. It’s at Amie’s house, you know, the posh place up town and guess what the best part is…”

Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

“Free drink!” Tina exclaimed as everyone gave a whoop.

Bam-bam and Amie were the traditional gate crashes of the school who were partners in crime and known fro throwing the best parties in the world. Both of them were recovering alcohol and drug addicts which is where Bam-bam got her name from. She used to be addicted to Ecstasy and, well, the rest I think you can figure out for yourself. They’d only been recently let back to school after being responsible for half the school coming in with hangovers and being caught giving drink out to other students. Amie’s parents were very rich this side of town and have the best house, the biggest house, for parties. Bam-bam’s parents own a wine company that produces a hell of a lot of alcohol. Together they were the key to getting dead drunk and laid all in one Saturday night.

“Well, I’m game if you guys are, I need a night out,” Tasha said tiredly.

“Me too,” Sam, Roxy and Viola said unison.

“I need to check, I don’t want to damage my baby by drinking,” Phee said, then muttered, “Not that the father would care.”

Everyone was quiet, and then Ella said, “Well I’m cool with it and I think Bella is coming, she and I were chatting about it this morning.

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