Chapter 12 :/

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Later, a few minutes after school, Amy was walking out of the school gates alone.

Phee had headed off to her dance class she took every Wednesday after school, Ella had seemed to wonder off with a group of other kids including Luke Hardin; Ash, Sam, Pete, Tina and Tasha, who had been cancelled on by Sean, had all gone off to Croydon Whitgift for a little round of shopping, Roxy had gymnastics and Viola had vanished off somewhere.

Amy had pressed the button and was just walking out of the gate when someone yelled her name.

“Amy, Amy!” Gareth shouted, running full-game speed through the gate and straight next to her. He stopped and kissed her cheek. “You need someone to walk with?”

“Ella,” Luke began, taking her hand and drawing her into a small corner of McDonalds.

“Yes?” Ella replied, smiling up at Luke.

“I wanted to tell you something. I know we’ve only been dating for a short amount of time but I wanted you to know I really like you and I was wondering whether you’d like to take it to the next step.”

“What do you mean?”

Luke leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

“I-I don’t know.”

“Babes, I love you and I know you love me. Prove it, prove to me you love me and do it. It’ll make things great between us and I promise I’ll make this special for you.” Ella felt a little uneasy. She’d heard and listened to various situations like this when girls gave up their virginity to their boyfriend’s under the illusion that they cared for them. Luke looked pleading into Ella’s eyes and at that moment, all her doubts faded. Then he gave her a soft lingering kiss and Ella swung her arms around his neck.

Ella smiled. “Let’s get out of her.” She said, and Luke kissed her harder. Then he took her hand and they walked over to the bus stop and caught the next bus to Luke’s house.

Meanwhile, Viola was drowning in a passionate kiss with Brendan, their hands laced together and their eyes closed in bliss.

Suddenly Viola broke the kiss. “Wait;” she took a deep breath. “This is a secret, alright, nobody is to know, nobody. No rumours, no gossiping with your mates, nothing. I mean it, babes.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Brendan said hurriedly, seeming more interested in unbuttoning Viola’s top than listening to her.

“Listen, promise me or this ends before it’s even begun.” Viola looked steadily into Brendan’s eyes.

“I promise, babes,” Brendan said then picked her up and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom where she showed him how you’re really supposed to use the sink.

“Phee! Sweets, what do you want for dinner?” Phee’s mum yelled up the stairs.

“Mum, this might seem a bit weird, but I really just want a can of baked beans.” Phee replied.

“What? Do you mean with your macaroni cheese, that’s quite a weird mix, Phee?” Phee’s mum replied puzzled.

“No, no, just the baked beans please mum,” Phee said back.

Phee’s mum stood in the middle of the kitchen and cocked a hand of her hip. I really need to set an appointment with the doctors, she thought.

The next day, Phee sat in the doctor’s waiting room with her mum. She turned on her and called Rio but his phone was off.

She picked up a magazine and flicked through the first few pages then put it down again. She tried Rio again but it was still switched off.

Then the screen flashed and her name came on. Here goes nothing, she thought as her and her mum stood and entered the doctor’s office.

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