Chapter 16 :(

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“That was really nice, I enjoyed it,” Viola gushed to Robbie while leaving the cinema.

“I hoped you would,” Robbie said, taking hold of her hand.

Viola smiled. “Well I did.” She paused, looking up at his handsome face. “I got to go. It’s almost four,” she said glancing at her watch. “And I promised mum I’d be home by four thirty by the latest.” She stood on tip-toe and hugged him.

Before she could unhook herself from his embrace, he connected his fingers together around her wrist, preventing her from moving.

“I really did hope that you would like it, ’cause I wanted to see if we could do this again.” Robbie asked his eyes hopeful.

“How d’you mean?” Viola asked, panic washing over her.

“Like, I was wondering whether you’d like to be my girlfriend. I know I haven’t been getting in touch a lot but I really missed you Vi.”

Viola took a deep breath and averted her eyes.

“Vi, I’m not asking for much, just for you to think about it, please?” Robbie asked tugging her over to him as he wrapped him arms around her waist.

“You’ve been working out,” Viola complimented, feeling how metal strong his arms were.

“Yeah, but just to impress you,” Robbie said then kissed her again. Vi resisted for all of two seconds before flinging her free arm around his neck while the other slightly trapped hand stroked his cheek lovingly.

Once they finally came up for breath Vi was smiling so widely that Robbie thought her mouth might split in two.

“Is that a yes?” Robbie asked, smiling back at her, lightly kissing the curve of her jaw.

“Yes,” she said nodding her head eagerly.

Then they kissed in a picture perfect way as Dan Mortem took all the pictures he could on his phone, clicking away.

Brendan’s gonna be so mad, he thought and laughed his way to the park.

“Hey guys, I got a joke…” Ash stated excitedly. “Condoms come in three sizes: small, medium and liar.” Everybody laughed, saying, “That’s so dirty,” “Jesus Ash.”

“I don’t get it,” Tasha wheedled annoyingly.

“Some men lie about the size of their Richard’s, Tash,” Phee explained dead-pan before stalking off over to Kati and Amie.

“She’s a little moody, isn’t she,” Roxy said defensively.

“Give her a break Rox; she’s just broken-up with her cheating boyfriend and four months pregnant.” Viola defended calmly.

“Yeah well, that doesn’t give her the right to behave like such a stroppy c_” Roxy broke off.

“Take that back,” Carl said his voice deep and threatening.

Everyone turned and looked at the stern faced teenagers. Roxy looked as if she was about to wet herself.

“I didn’t mean it like that_”

“I don’t care how you meant it. I have a thing about not punching women, but I’m willing to make an exception to the rule if you ever say something like that again,” Carl finished and walked off.

“Whoops,” Roxy said, shaking.

“God, he’s a bit stand-uppish, isn’t he?” Amy said surprised.

“He loves her_” Sam admitted before she could stop herself.

A company of “What’s?” “When’s?” and “How’s?” followed, aimed at Sam.

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