I've Got What I Wanted. Part 10

Start from the beginning

“Deal,” Caleb turned to me and handed me his money.

“What am I meant to do with this?” He stood up with Johnny and Damien.

“You’re going to mind it. And put it with Johnny’s money when I win.” I laughed and stood up beside him. I followed Caleb out of the room, putting the money in my pocket.

“You’re seriously not going to do this?” I asked as we walked towards the back yard.

“Do you not think I can do it?” He looked down at me through his glasses.

“I never said that. But you have been sick for the past few days. What happens if you fall?” He chuckled as we walked through the kitchen.

“Another bet?” My dad asked us. I nodded making him laugh. “Good luck,” Caleb walked out into the garden with me behind him.

“I won’t fall so don’t worry.” He stepped off of the porch and turned to face me. He put his hands on my waist and smiled.

“If you fall I’m going to be the first one to laugh.” He grinned and nodded.

“I thought that,” I put my arms on his shoulders, playing with the back of his hair.

“Stop with the lovey dovey stuff and hurry up.” I glared at Johnny as he walked past with Damien and Stephanie. And guess what? I got looks again. I looked back at Caleb as my dad and Ann walked out of the kitchen.

“Don’t go falling over now. I’m not taking you to hospital,” he chuckled and nodded.

“Don’t worry I won’t,” he said taking off his glasses. “Good luck kiss? After all there is fifty pounds on the line.” I laughed and gave him a quick kiss.

“It was your own fault,” I took his glasses and smiled at him. He smiled before walking over to Johnny.

“So how many chances do I have?” He took the basketball off of him, bouncing it on the ground.

"I had three so you can have three." Caleb nodded and looked towards the hoop. It was about nine feet off of the ground, attached to the garage. 

"How about an extra ten if I do it in fewer than three?" He smirked at Johnny as I rolled my eyes. I knew this was going to end badly for Johnny. But then again, in the five years that I've known Caleb; he's never said anything about being good at basketball. 

"Deal," they looked back at the hoop. I watched as Caleb bounced the ball against the ground. I knew Caleb was throwing some Maths in there. Stuff life the height and how far out from the garage wall it came. It's that stuff that makes him a complete nerd. 

Everyone watched as he ran up to the hoop, bouncing the ball as we went. He crouched down low, before springing into the air. He went to slam the ball down, but couldn't reach high enough to do it. He fell back to the ground, bending his knees as his feet made contact with the concrete ground. 

"Your money is slowly slipping away there Caleb." My brother mocked him with a smirk. I moved over to the frame of the porch and crossed my arm on it, leaning against it. 

"Don't worry it's you that's going to lose your money." Caleb walked back over to Johnny. He lined up to the hoop again, concentration on his face. I knew he hates losing, especially to Johnny. Even Jim and Lucas. With one last look at the ground, he set off again.

 He dribbled the ball towards the hoop, keeping himself low. When he reached the hoop, he sprung up into the air again. This time he was high enough, and slammed the ball through the hoop. He fell onto the ground gracefully, before smirking at Johnny. "Pay up," Johnny looked shocked as Caleb walked towards him. I smiled watching Johnny slam the fifty pound into Caleb's hand. Damien walked over to Caleb as he put the money in his pocket. 

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