Gabriel (Preferences)

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When you walk in, you see 3 men being thrown around and what looks like the janitor sitting in one of the chairs, watching the chaos unfold.


Everything stops. He turns around in his seat and looks at you.


It doesn't bother you that he knows your name. He knows all the kids. Or at least most of them. You pull the stake out of your jacket.

"I don't wanna hurt you. You seem like a good kid. Put that down, leave, and you won't get hurt. I won't go after you or anything. Promise."

Something pulls at your heart, but you know you can't just let this guy go. Your eyes soften and you walk a little closer.

"C'mon, you don't wanna hurt me, do ya?"

You walk closer still.

"No..." you look down, pretending to be shy or maybe even a little scared.

"Atta girl." He pats your shoulder. "Get outta here."

You look into his eyes and stab the stake directly through him. He looks surprised and kind of looks down before falling backwards into the seat and dying.

You turn and look at the three remaining men.

"You guys hunters?"

You frown and look at the two younger looking ones. They nod at you.

"This is Sam Winchester, I'm Dean, this is Bobby."

Your eyes widen a little.

"The famous Winchesters. And Bobby Singer too. What a time to be alive," you chuckle to yourself. "Well, nice to meet you boys. Wow. Now I can brag that I not only saved Bobby Singer, but the two Winchesters as well!"

Sam and Dean give you the double bitch face, causing you to laugh.

"Chill. I won't tell anyone I saved your ass. Don't got no friends anyway. Except one," you add, thinking of Garth.

You all tromp to the door. At the last minute, you turn to Dean.

"You're the one that likes pie, right? Eat a slice for me, would ya?" You smile and exit the building, driving away in your car.

Your First Date:

Your first date was many things. One thing it wasn't was expected.

You walk along the sidewalk with a small smile on your face. You're here on a vacation of sorts. You don't have any cases so you decided to come here because you heard they have a mystery spot. It should be fun.

It was the heat of the moment
Telling you what my heart meant
The heat of the moment
Shone in your eyes ~

You sing but then gasp as someone pushes you roughly against a hard brick wall and holds a stake against your chest.

"You! Is it you?"

"Is what me?" You ask, panicking.

"You know what I'm talking about," the man in front of you says viciously. No one seems to notice what's happening except one other guy who looks strangely familiar. You look at the man who has you pinned against the wall.

"Sam? Is that you?" Your face breaks out into a smile. "It's been awhile since I've seen you! How is everything?"

You look behind him.

"And you're Dean! You've hardly changed!"

Sam looks at you with confusion.

"Who are you?"

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