My Opinion On Gay

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So I was just thinking about this while I was on teh bus
So I wanted to give mai honest opinion!

Gay I don't think is actually pretty bad, nor being a lesbian.
When people say that 'Ohhh gay is nasty. Its so badddd' I always feel like telling them 'So you think loving is a bad thing? Bitch you have a fucking BoyFriend'
Not many people know that
And yes I do blame them cause their either real bitches
Or they just never really bother to care

Think about a character that you used to hate (Lyon, Alois, etc)
You never cared for that character cause he was so evil
Then later in the episode you love that character
That's like a person hating a gay person and then founding out that the gay/lesbian kill themself cause of the person that the person now feel bad

Anyway that's mai opinion
Weird I know XD
But me and Heaven(irl BFF) was talking about this topic
Her guy friend was like talking crap about Heaven wanting him to be gay and all those shit
But yeah XD

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