
18 0 5

Norway: oniichan
Iceland: no
Lyn: *poke Norway's back* poke! *runs to Iceland*
Friend 1(I haven't ask if she want me to put her name online or a fake name): Lyyyynnnnn!!! You run so fast!
Lyn: I play soccer! *poke Iceland* I so know how you feel rn. Poke :3
Iceland: *poke Lyn*
Lyn: *poke Ice*
Ice/Lyn: *poking*
Friend 1: uhhhh
Norway: .......
Denmark: are we playing the poking game?! I WANNA PLAY!!-
Lyn: Poooooookkkkeeeeeee :3
Den/Ice/Lyn: *poking*
Lyn: ohhhh frrieeennnnddddd~~
Friend 1: ?
Lyn: *pokes friend 1* poke!
Everyone but Nor: *poking*
Lyn: I know who to poke!

Lyn walk behind America

Lyn: Pok-
America: POKE *poke Lyn*

Lyn brings out everyone

Lyn: okay! So we all are set up in 3 group! Red! Blue! And yellow! And ofc in on team yellow
Lyn: anyway we each have 1 minutes to poke each other! Keep your count!

Red: America, Canada, Japan, France, and Spain
Blue: Romano, Germany, Prussia, Russia, and Cuba
Yellow: Lyn, Italy, Friend 1, China(aru/aiya), and Hong Kong
The rest are people who don't wanna play

Lyn: 3 2 1 GOOOOOOOO

Part 1/2

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