A Everyday Life As Lyn/Dango/Natsuki

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Lyn: *stop timer and walks to bathroom*

In the bathroom
Lyn: *watching YouTube while using the toilet*

Lyn: *brush hair out of mai face* I have too much hair ;-; why did you made me like this god?

Lyn: *brush teeth and clean face*

Lyn: *brush hair and then walk out putting phone on mute*

I'm the bedroom
Lyn: *trying to stay quiet af so I don't wake up mai sister*

Lyn: *pick out dark clothing*

Lyn: *puts them on*

Lyn: *look for homework, Violin, violin binder, other binder, backpack, glasses, notebook, and shoe/sock*

Lyn: *walk out like a nerd that have lots of homework*

In the living room
Lyn: *put shoe on, put all my stuff in backpack and it ready*

While she's waiting
Lyn: *read USUK and RuPru doujinshi*

When walking with friend to the bus:
Friend: So why didn't yo come to my Halloween Party?
Lyn: homework, violin, dog, Landry, and Japanese/Korea
Friend: *nods*
Lyn: .....
Awkward silent

On the bus
Lyn: *is lonely af but don't mind it*

When walking to to school
Lyn: *walking inside school alone*

Lyn: *walks to the other side of the room because people who have instrument have to go on the other side*

Lyn: *looks on the ground trying not to make eye contract*

When they let us go to our class:
Lyn: ..........

When I go to my locker:
Lyn: *sees best friend and poke her* Ohayo~
Best friend: *poke back* ogaiyo
Lyn: no haha, that's not how you say it XD
Best friend: oh I know! :D

When I line up for my RAO:
Lyn: ........*sees best poking friend and walk to her and poke her then runs at the end of the line to poke other friend*

In every(not all) class:
Lyn: *thinks* idiot........everyone just shut the fuck up and let me- *little scream* ;-;
Bully: Hahaha!
Lyn: *step on his feet and elbow his stumch then sit back down*
Teacher: *don't even see it*
Bully: ;-;

At lunch:
Lyn: *is poking all friend until they turn red*

Last hour (aka 8th hour):
Lyn: *sees good friend and walk and talk with her* so do you like the Mavis drawing I made for you?
Good Friend: of course! Thank you~

At the end if the day:

Lyn: *hides in closet and text while being on wattpad, reading doujinshi, listening to music, or idfk XD*
Lyn: so that's my life, yah not so cool ._.
Prussia: so your unawesome?
Lyn: *smack Prussia* awesome than you :P

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