What I Wish to Say To...

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What I wish to say to my bully:
Gurl! Your a popular bitch already! So quite trying to steal mai friend >3<

What I wish to say to my new bully:
*punch him* sorry not sorry

What I wish to say to Denmark:
Are you gut guuna have a baby?

What I wish to say to everyone who says I have small eye:
Girls: Well you have some small skinny ass leg
Boys: Why do you even bother? Mother fucker why don't you ask your Asian friend?

What I wish to say to that little boy:
Aiya! How did he found out? Spain is that you?!(no hate XD)

What i wish to say to my old friend:
Girl you judge me playing with MLP and watching them and drawing them I judge you for being a fucking lying friend

What I wish to say to the girl I accidently hit(I SWEAR):
Bitch, its not guuna kill you. I see no blood whatsoever so shut up and don't tell me to get away from you(I've stuffer more....)

What I wish to say to my child self:
Girl, your guuna hate yourself for being a girly girl. And your guuna grow up weird :))

What I wish to say to Taniaha(more like a confession):
I have Denmark as mai keybored background...........are you guuna kill me? ;-;

What I wish to say to BoA(if I speak Korean or Japanese, or if she still understand English XD):
Your mai inspiration~ but I put Taylor Swift first cause she was mai very first~

What I wish to say to Chiko:

What I wish to say to me:
Your weird, pathetic, evil, fat, and- jkjk. Stop being tried af =_=

Mkau imma go to sleep for now!

Mkau Bey!

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