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This is a paragraph I made for Shadow and Vesi .-.

So it all started when Vesi was about to go to sleep but Shadow told her, if she stay up top 3:00 AM then Shadow would tell Spain that she love him and so they both had a deal and after 3:00 came by Vesi forced Shadow to say she love Spain but she don't want to so she said she love England and Tomato and then Vesi keep on hitting the poor Shadow and so Shadow finally said she love Spain then she made them kiss in the closet and now Spain passed out cause of the kiss and yah England. Get it now?

Vesi_Cat here teh paragraph
Will I get a A++ now?

(ShadowFirePack check her out cause she a Spain might get married in mai next fanfic :3)

I'M TEH AWESOME FOX SATANDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora