Bothering thhe Hetalian Part 2!

21 1 13

Lyn: Mkay imma be mean to Prussia and Germany cause 1) Why do Tani ship me with Prussia? 2) I just wanna bother him XD
Lyn: so let's get started!

Lyn: Prussssiiiaaa~~
Prussia: ?
Lyn: uhh.....Uhh.....uhhhhhhhhhh....................Denmark.....hates.....gillbird.......
Prussia: Lie
Lyn: I couldn't plan anything out! T.T
Prussia: *hugs me*
Lyn: imma mess up your face later. With China.....wanna halp me annoy your brother?
Prussia: but he's in training~ beside-
Lyn: *break out of Prussia* mkay rets go! (Trying some Japan thing :p)

Lyn: Doitsu~ ve~
Prussia: why are you acting like Italy?
Lyn: .......okay do you want me to be Japan or myself?
Prussia: yourself cutie(cringes while typing that T.T)
Lyn: Ah~ there's Germany

Pran: to bothers him untir training time is over
How to bother him: terr him to go drink beer with Prussia while Ryn go and.....herp Itary escape

Prussia: I though you was being yourself~
Lyn: dis is mai book so I can do whatever I want Prussia

Lyn: Doitsu~!
Germany: Lyn?
Lyn: .......Germany where's Itary?
Germany: don't act like Japan
Lyn: mkay, anyway where Italy?
Germany: we're done with training
Lyn: ........*walks away*

OK new plan we're going to bother Taniaha for now
And along with Prussia and Denmark. And America if he ever done bothering Iggy

Taniaha: *is bored af rn*
Den/Prus/Merica: *come walking in and poke Tani*
Lyn: Nwhhahahahahahhahahah suffer~~
Prussia: Your so
Lyn: evil? Really? Thax now imma tie your mouth together later


Lyn: *looks at hand* ......their so red T.T
Taniaha: *looks at arm* it hurt T.T
Prussia: so? Are you going to tie my awesome mouth?
Lyn: *got up and got a plishie size gillbird and stuffed it in his mouth and duck take his mouth* better =.=

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