
17 1 15

So uhh, the WiFi works.....
Dam how long was I gone for?
Like 3 or 2 days?
But all day I was just playing mai violin, watching some Kpop with mai mommy, play with mai dog, draw, and listen to music while reading. I wonder how mai book is guuna end °3°
I need to do HW
I have math, Violin, and Writing °3°
Anyone else got As and Bs on everything but C on math?
You can't blame me for being the smartass in school XD

Teacher: Julie, please tell me how does a volcano erupt?
Me: When a volcano erupt its usually when the two plates slide together.

Easy af XD, I think I was 1 of the first to be farther in our study guide ^^
You can't blame me! I'm so good at LA Reading/Writting!


I RUV TO TORTURE YOU BOTH ShadowFirePack AND Taniaha-kun


Mkau Bey!

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