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Lain: Part 2
Flash back
"So uh, I heard you liked-"
And with that Shadow left Spain


"Honestly Shadow thats a dumbv reason to hate him" Deim said, "Shut up Deim, its not like youve expersiance what ive beemn though..." Shadow said sitting next th Vesi

Time pasted to Shadow house



"I wonder whos that..." she said walking to the door seeing Vesi, Dango, Deim, America, Japan, and......


"W-what are you guys doing here?" Shadow said, "To see over!" Vesi said happily, "AND PLAY GAMMMMEEEEE~~~~" America said walking into her houyse and to her bedroom


"Mkaaaayyyy~~ its time for Truth and Dare~~" Dango said," Youngest to oldest!"

"How did i ended up yougest??!!" Dango said looking at eveyone. They all laugh, "You have as nice ,augh.." Spain said to Shadow. She blushed and punched Spain on the arm hard, "OW!!" Sapain said in pain," LAIIIIINNNN~~~~~" Vesi said, "What is Lain~~~~?" Sapin ask.

Everyone but Japan and Spain face polam, "Ypu didnt bother to tell him Merica?" Dango said, "Wait how did youm know?" Shadow asked, "REMEMBER!!!" Dango siad, "SHe told her dong!" Diem said, " Which was actully America" Vesi said next, "Dude she said it in her sleep and so i coukdnt bother but to hear and tell Spain" Everyne face plame, "Tipical America..." Japan said, "SO are we playing or not??" Deim said.

Everyone nod and starts with Dango, "Im scared..." Shadow said, "Vesi!" Dango said, "Truth or Dare??"


" I dare you to makew me green tea, ITS LIFEEEE~~~" Dango said, "And also! make me some Dango~~" she said as Vesi rolls her eye and went to make the food and drink while everyone else chit chat

"Okay~....i made you some Green tea and Dango..." she said, "Here" Dango said giving her some Dango, "Its your turn~~~"

"HMMMM I WONDER WHO IS SHALL PICKKKK~~~~~~~" Vesi siad looking at Japan, "Why me??" he saoid kind of scared<, "AI DARU YU TSU PURE SHIVEN MAINATSU IN HIVEN~~~~" Vesi said clearly trying to sound like a Weeb.

"Uhh" Japna said didnt know what she ment

"Play seven minuts in heaven~~"

"I though we were playing Truth and Dare!!"

"JAPAN JUST DO IT WITH AMERICA JEEZ!!!" She said yelling at him

Japan blushed and said, "W-well if I'm going to do it t-then everyone else is going to do it!!" Everyone look at each other, "But I'm not Lesbian...." They all said

"Okay then that only leave us to Americanx+Japan and ShafowxSpain!-"
"Cause I can Shadow and plus I don't have feeling for then nor anyone now shut up and gimme a timer!" She said while Shadow got up and got her phone and put the timer to seven minutes.

Mkaaay its already 477 and more word so yah uhh. I might skip Ameripan part T^T
For Lain. I ship them both so hard...

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