I give in and lean my head against his chest while he wraps his arms around me. As the words sink in I notice something and can't help asking. "You called me your mate, why?"

"Because you are my mate."

"How do you know?" I ask curiously.

He let's out a soft chuckle before answering my question. "I simply know. It's a feeling I can't really describe. It's so much more than just loving you, it's almost as if being desperate to be yours. I couldn't imagine to live without you. And I don't ever want to find out what it would feel like to have to live in a world without you."

Not quite sure how to respond to that I reply "I love you too." I push myself away in order to look him in the eyes. "But the reason to why I am so upset is that I am afraid. Afraid of not being able to be reborn anymore. I know that in theory vampires live forever but I also know that vampires can be killed. So what if I die in a year or maybe ten or a hundred years and you have to live without me? What if the price of becoming a vampire means to give up the ability to be reborn?"

He pulls me into another hug while speaking. "Don't worry about such things, my love. I will always protect you and we will stay together forever and nothing will be able to tear us apart. And if you really are that worried about that ability I will do some research on that."

"Thank you." I whisper. "And my answer to your question is yes. I will be with you forever, I will become a vampire."

He hugs me closer to himself and I close my eyes. Darkness surrounds me again and rips me out of that vision. Seeing nothing but darkness, Martha suddenly appears.

"Do you now understand?" She asks but I can't help frowning.

"What do you mean?"

"There is a reason that I showed you this. Do you now understand why you can't die? Why I had to show you the past and why you have to fight?"

"N-no, I'm sorry but I don't understand. All I get from that vision is that he really loved you and that Christopher Redshed must be a vampire."

"He didn't love me." She says, only confusing me more. "He loved you. All the time he just loved you. And why? Because you are me and I am you.

Do you now understand?"

As her words slowly sink in I feel nothing. I feel numb. I don't even know what to feel, if I feel or what am I supposed to feel.

I am Martha?

I breathe in and open my eyes only to find myself lying in my bed with Johnathan sitting next to me.

"You're finally awake. I know you can't die but that doesn't mean that you have to let the snow burry yourself." I feel his gaze burning on me but I don't dare to look at him. Not now and not with the things I found out. "Well, see you in a bit. Take some rest and meet me in my office after." He says before disappearing.

I let myself fall back and close my eyes again.

I am Martha, huh?

Could it be true though?

Am I his mate?

Hey and good morning (or day/evening/night)

I hope you like the new chapter :)

So... @TrustSerenity guessed right but I hope I didn't make it too obvious because this has been my plan for quite a while now :)

Just Mr. Redshed wasn't planned like that. In fact I was just to lazy to think of another name and since he hasn't an important role yet I thought... Why not :)

Well... Kuddles, kisses and lots of love,

Yours Mel<3

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