Chapter : 2

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No talk through today lets just get started!

- Your p.o.v -

On the way home today, once again I was face to face with Stephanie. This time the fight was a lot more painful. She got her friends to pin me down while she hit me with her high heels. I have a lot of bruises and a few cuts in my stomach. I coughed up blood after the incident, I'm scared.

When I got home I finally let the tears I'd been holding in all day pour down my cheeks. I ran past the kitchen waving to my mum with one hand and covering my face with the other arm. I'll pretend everything is fine, again. I rush up to my room grabbing a pair of scissors and dashing into my own personal bathroom connected to my room. I yanked up my sleeves and locked the bathroom door before going in front of the basin staring in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red and I was still crying. I unwrapped the bandages around my wrists and began to slice away with this scissors, only adding to my growing collection of cuts. When enough blood had poured down the drain and I was completely satisfied I  wrapped clean bandages around my wrists and my chest and stomach injuries from earlier.

I exited the bathroom and was alert. I was always constantly alert, ever since my forth year of school I've been paranoid. Sometimes I even hallucinate or become badly distorted.

I sat down on my bed and picked up my sketch book. I looked about my room thinking about what to draw. In the end I decided I would draw a lady bird sitting on a person's finger. I smiled when I was completed, it looked really cute. Then I went back and continued to work on my crystal blade knife drawing, using my knife as the model. It shone on my dresser and looked stunning in the afternoon light. Every so often I would glance out my window. I can never shake this feeling of being watched. It's constant. Eventually when the sun was at setting peak, I closed my book, the knife drawing still incomplete, and walked over to my window. Staring out of it I could see the beautiful colours tossed across the sky. I quickly looked around outside from my window and saw nothing so I continued to stare at the amazing sight.

After the golden orb had dipped out of view I shut my window, locking it and closed my curtains.

I sat down down on my carpeted floor and reached under my bed rummaging around until my hand hit a black case. I pulled it into view and quickly stood up and checked if the door was locked. After I had successfully locked the door I opened the case. Grasping the edges and slowly lifting the lid. I stared in awe. A scythe lay in the case. It was beautiful. I could see my reflection on the handle it was that shiny.

I heard my mother yelling dinner from downstairs and I quickly shut the case, sneaking one more glance before I shoved it back under the bed.

I smiled to myself and started to head down stairs.

After dinner I got in another fight with my parents. Eventually my dad grew so angry you could almost taste his rage in the air. He stood up and started storming towards me. I automatically started shuffling back away from him, terrified. "I've had enough of this behaviour!" He yelled in my face. I said something and he started shaking from anger. Then, he hit me. He slapped my face and it hurt. How dare he. I dropped the dish I had been cleaning in the sink and ran up the stairs.

As soon as I enter my room something doesn't feel right. I brush it off as my paranoia and run back into the bathroom slamming and locking the door. I ran the shower and peeled of my clothes. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and cried as I cut under the water. When I calmed down I wiped my arm and got out, pulling a poofy towel around me. It was kinda snugly. I dried off and changed into my pyjamas. My pyjama pants were big and soft and my top was fluffy. I walked back into my room and instantly started getting that feeling again. I looked around my room inspecting every crack and corner until I was satisfied. Then I looked at my window. I got a sinking feeling. I'm certain I closed the curtains. A chill ran down my spine and I shivered. I checked the lock and closed the curtains, again.

I shut my door and went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I jumped under my covers. Re inspecting my room in the dark. I managed to get a few hours of sleep before I woke up because an animal or something started screaming. I peeked through my curtains and out the window. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, yawning. I jumped into bed and waited for sleep to overcome me.

Voilà ;)
A lil boring?
Don't worry my smol ones soon, soon.

Peace out ~Untitled_hearts

So cold ( creepy pasta x Reader ) {Complete}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz