Chapter : 25

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- Your p.o.v -

Suddenly reality hit me in the face. no. no. no. This is bad. I jumped up and yelled, "I'M SO SORRY!" I was disgusted with myself. "Now I'm just as bad as Toby," I whispered to myself turning my back to him, in tears again. "No your not." I flinched, what if Hoodie hates me now too. "I-I-I-" He hugged my back. "I- I'm so s-s-s-sorry," fresh tears rolled down my cheeks. Even though I was as tired as hell because I just got back from a mission, I slipped out of his grasp. "W-wait-" he said trying to grab me. He managed to grab my hood so I slipped out of my hoodie, grabbed my scythe and knife then jumped out the window. I jumped two stories and landed fine. Then I dashed off, I could hear him calling my name but I had to get away. I slipped my knife into the loops on my belt. All I could hear was, my heavy foosteps and breathing, the sound of Toby and that girl and Hoodie's voice when I apologised as well as ringing in my ears.

I could see the memories, they ran over and over through my mind, making tears overflow from my eyes. I ran and ran. With only my skive because Hoodie had my, well hoodie (LOL), the cold air nipped at my skin trying to force chills down my spine. I was running inhumanely fast, even faster then Jeff can. Somehow I had suddenly gained so much energy, when I should be tired from my long ass mission. Within five minutes I managed to reach a town. I had about one hour until it was 12:00 am. I changed my tactics in running, short quiet breaths and steps a normal person would have to strain to hear. If I hadn't been running a thousand miles an hour before I got here I would have been imposible to hear.

I gripped the scythe harder in my right hand and rested my left hand on my knife. After a few minutes I came across a beige two story house.

I climbed into the second story back window which led directly into a girls room. She was the one I decided I would kill since she knows my name and it's been over a year since I was prenounced dead now. My dear friend (F/n), my loyal, trustworthy friend, who did nothing but betray me and start rumours on me. She's the one who told everyone that I cut. (QUICK AN! READ MY BOOK RUMOUR ORIGIN DETAILS AND STORY, BECAUSE IT HAS THE STORY LINE, VICTIM'S STORY AND THATS WHAT HAPPENED.(Just pretend she found a hoodie exactly like hers and put it on before killing the victim))

I looked at her dead body. I yanked off her stupid hoodie and threw it on the ground. "Beautiful? Another Rumour!" I laughed and laughed a hollow insane laugh. Images flashed in my mind. The kiss, I laughed harder and louder. Toby and that girl, I laughed so hard I started crying. I looked at her, I laughed even harder. I heard sirens and tasted the metalic taste of blood in my mouth.

I jumped out of the window and ran. I was insane, I completely lost it. Adrenaline forced it's way through my blood. I screamed into the night, I never stopped laughing and I killed anything I saw. I lost count after 19. I ended up killing police, pets, people, children, babies, anything. It was so funny to see them writher in pain. I just wanted everyone to suffer like me. I wanted to force them to feel it.

My friend lived in the town next to mine, but our school was successful so she continued to travel there.

I screamed as I cut another girl from my old school in half, directly down the centre. My strength seems to increase when insanity takes over. It's like a wild beast that awakes when the switches turn off. Currently I was one switch away from pure insanity. I don't know if I can come back if it turns off. I could hear more and more police coming. I decided since I had 3 hours until sunrise I was going to go into the next town.

I ran back into the forest and ran along the tree line, I couldn't be bothered to go back to the gateway trees. I ran even faster then earlier, practically a blur. It didn't take long to reach the next town. I crashed through the first house's window that I saw. I once again began recklessly killing anything in sight. All the while those memories fueled me.

By the time the sun had risen I had run out of tears and a steady trail of blood ran from my mouth because I had ruined my throat from laughing at screaming. I sat in the forest on a rock with my head in my hands. I was freezing and drenched in blood. I was depressed worse then ever. My sanity switches started turning back on as soon as the sun started rising. Police were everywhere searching for me. The forest was riddled with them, oops? at least I'm too far away for them to be looking in Slendy's area of forest.

I have the worst headache in history and I feel so low. I can hear police as they move around the forest. I'm not sure if I want to go home. I think I'll stay away a little longer. I get up and start walking through the trees, to the next town. After 25 minutes I reach it, I find an abandoned house on the other side of the town, that I successfully made it through because they seem to sleep in late. The house has no paint and smells earthy. Lichen grew on some of the outside walls. I walk around the house, silently. I find a bedroom with a dusty old matress in the centre of it. I colapse on it out of exhastion.

By the time I wake up it's night and the moonlight shone through the broken window brightly. But what woke me up was shouting, police shouting. I shot up and grabbed my weapons. I carefully inspected the scene from the window. Two men, shouting about blood, I probably walked in. I waited until they were out of sight before jumping out the window. I yawned but my energy was mainly refreshed. Now I just need food.

I walked through the town until I was met with a man. He saw me and the blood I had crusted into my clothes. His mouth parted in relisation but his scream was silent. I stood there puzzeled and then remembered my rampage. Whoops? Slender's gonna be pissed off.

He took a deep breath and prepared to make a real scream but I cut him off. "If you can get me some food I wont kill you." He shut his mouth but didn't do anything, "and if you scream, it's off with your head," I added. He nodded. "Touch your phone and I will force feed you your fingers. He nodded quicker. "Okay, now. Food ... please?" he looked a bit taken aback with my politeness. "Wh-wh-what d-d-do you w-w-want?" He stuttered shaking uncontrollably. I sighed "Can you buy me a bread stick at that supermarket please? I promise I will leave you if you don't give me trouble, I'm just starving," I said pointing to a supermarket. The look in his eyes softened for a second and he nodded.

I hid in a dark allyway and waited for him to come back. I heard shuffling in the ally. "hey, hey there little girl," A creepy old guy's voice filled the silence. I sighed and turned around to face some creep. By the time the guy buying bread for me came back, I had killed three creeps. When he saw his eyes widened, I gave him a bored look. "They were trying to rape me," I suggested. He nodded robotically and started shaking again. He handed me the bread stick. "Okay two favours that aren't hard?" I asked, he nodded robotically again. I sighed. "First, whats the time? Second which direction is (Your home town)?" He told me the time was 7:47pm and pointed me in the direction of the place I used to live. "Thanks!" I called waving, I lifted my mask enough for him to see my smile, when I pulled it down I saw him smiling back, still looking shaken.

I dashed off in the direction he pointed while eating a bit of bread stick. I soon reached the edge of town and found the forest again. I ran through the forest, trying to avoid the police that still riddled it. I had stopped and rested several times in trees, beyond their view. I finally reached my home town by sunrise. I was exhausted and made my way to the gate way trees, coming across dead bodies of police, probably the other pasta's protecting the mansion.

I approached the gateway trees, it's time to face home.

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