Chapter : 23

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- Toby's p.o.v -

  "I-I-I like you! Will you, go out with me!" Though I didn't see it her eyes widened. 


- Your p.o.v

My eyes widened. Can you date someone when you feel nothing. I've never fallen in love before, let alone gone out with anyone. He stood there, shaking, waiting for an answer. What do I say? I started shaking, this was making me anxious.

Maybe I will start to feel for him if I go out with him. I took in a deep shaky breath. "O-okay," I agreed.

He jumped in happiness and tackled me to the ground in joy. The breath was knocked out of me and I started feeling light headed. I touched my arm, just below my shoulder, where the bullet shot me. I felt blood pooling. I rummaged through the cut and pulled out the bullet. I heard Toby gasp. He quickly picked me up and started running back to the mansion. I couldn't keep my consciousness and slowly fell asleep.

It was dark, it was empty. All I could see for miles was darkness. It was scary yet comforting. It was hell yet heaven. I heard a voice, it was me from years ago. "Are you sure?" she asked. "w-what?" I questioned. "If you open up anymore they will find out. They will hate you, they might kick you out or worse kill you." I looked around shivering from the chills in her voice. "If they find out your bipolar then they will be disappointed in you. If they find out you cut, they will hate you. If they see what you did to your self, If they see your eyes, if they see how broken you are, they will leave you behind," She said in a fake sad voice. "I don't care! I just wont let them see!" She made a bitchy, amused hm sound. "What about the scars on your ne-" "I WONT SHOW THEM NOW LET ME OUT!" She laughed, "yes you will, eventually. I will let you have your fun, just let me grab the popcorn." She appeared in front of me. She was me after my first kill, a little six year old covered in blood, with and insane smile almost as wide as Jeff's. She started laughing, I twitched and suddenly she was in front of me with the bloody knife I stabbed to boy with in her hand. "You will regret this."

I jolted awake, holding my heart with one hand and my neck with the other. I started hyperventilating. I choked on my tears, I hate the truth, she has visited me more then once. So far she hasn't been wrong and that makes me scared. I kept shaking until I felt a hand caressing my back. It shook me back to reality. I looked up, only to find Hoodie was there. I felt tears blur my vision as I imagined such a nice person hating me. I started crying and I felt him embracing me. I hugged back, he was such a comforting person to be around. I slowly stopped crying and made my quiet thank yous and he let me ago.

I laid back down on the bed. I was in the infirmity and my arm had been bandaged and my mask was still on luckily. Suddenly there was a huge crash and I jumped as Toby flew into the room. His face lit up when he saw me awake. I sat up and watched him as he approached me. To my surprise he picked me up and carried me out the door. I made a fake heeelllppp, sign with my hand and reached out to Hoodie, he chuckled, but I heard a hint of sadness in his voice. I shook it off, paranoia again. right?

Toby took me to his room and I was surprised to find he had a bunk bed. He explained to me that proxies share rooms but Hoodie and Masky shared a room so he didn't have a room mate. He said that he slept on the bottom bunk and placed me down on it. Then he sat next to me. I looked around his room, he had a desk under a window at the far end of his room. he had a wardrobe next to that on the right side and his bed on the other side. Across from the bed there was a door which led to his bathroom. I noted a picture frame on the desk. He got up to go to the toilet so I rose to examine it. In it there was a picture of what appeared to be his family except everyone but a girl had their faces scribbled out in permanent marker. I looked on the desk and saw another picture, this time it was Toby and some girl with a clock in one of her eyes. (okay I'm not sure if I introduced Clockwork yet or not, if I have pretend I didn't but I don't think I have) In this picture no one's faces were scribbled out. I got a weird feeling looking at the picture. It made me sad but angry at the same way. Is this.... Jealousy? I don't feel jealous no way. I shut that off a long time ago. Maybe it's because no one has told me who she is. Yeah, that's it.

I heard Toby coming, I stared at the picture, I felt the strongest urge in the history of forever to grab it, borrow it. But I know that's considered stealing so I forced my way back over to the bed and flopped down. Just in time too as he burst through the door mere milliseconds later. I jumped and sighed in an agitated way. "S-sorry," he said scratching the back of his neck in a cute way. I felt my cheeks heat up, I'm blushing? I shouldn't take it out on him.

I yawned and stood up, "I-i'm going down stairs," I told him, "I'll c-come!" he exclaimed. "kay." I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Masky. He had been eating cheesecake. Strangely very slow, that's not like him. Then he put his plate down and hung his head. Usually he would greet me. Maybe he's upset with me. I hugged my knees to my chest and Toby joined me on the couch. Masky's head instantly snapped our way. The whole time Toby was there, I could feel Masky giving him a really intense death glare. It reminded me of school. I shrunk down feeling like I was getting in the middle of something.

I saw Hoodie glance at the scene then reach for the door handle. I jumped up and ran over to him, "are you going on a mission?" I asked. He nodded. "Can I come? pleaaassseeee? I promise I will be careful with my armmm," I whined "plus I kinda need to get out of here," I motioned to the stare off they were having. "O-okay, grab your stuff." "Yesssss!" I fist pumped, he did that sad chuckle again and I frowned under my mask, before running up the stairs to grab my stuff.

Anyone realize what's going on here?

1193 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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