Chapter 21

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- Your p.o.v -

It had been a week since the 'join the family' party and I rescued the girls.

I had been sick since the day after the party.

So there I was, laying in bed, I had FINALLY managed to get some sleep when flipping Jeff burst through the door scaring the living crap out of me. I swear I was laying down and my body practically levitated three inches off the bed. I looked at Jeff who was staring at the ground panting. Then I remembered my mask. But I was too tired and sick to reach it so I just hid my face under the covers. I groaned, I was really pissed and sick and I haven't fallen asleep easily since I caught this damn thing. "Fuck off," I said as coldly as possible, but it came out more hoarse and croaky because.... OF MY DAMN SICKNESS DUH! It was dark under my sheet so I couldn't see him. All I heard was a sigh and some thing was shoved under the covers with me, it was my mask. I hesitantly put it on, then poked my head up the top. Jeff was kinda just looking at me, I guess he was taken aback by my comment but seriously I am in a killing mood, I've been in one for the last four days! I'm not happy!

- Jeff's p.o.v -

Slender sent me to Rumour's room to check up on her but when I got to her door, I was just about to open it when BEN ran straight into me scaring, well more surprising, me shitless, he can be such a dick. I burst into the room, flying forward from the sudden impact. I kinda just stood there with my hand on my heart, panting. I heard the ruffling of sheets then the usually, stuttery, cute Rumour said, "Fuck off," in the coldest voice I've ever heard. If she wasn't sick it would be even colder. I kinda stood there stunned before snapping back to reality. I saw her mask and realised why she was under the sheet. I grabbed it and pushed it under the sheet with her. Finally she popped her head out the top in a cute manner. "U-uh sorry..." I said staring at the ground. "It's just ... You woke me up," she said in a more placid tone. Oh shit, I knew she had been not getting much sleep lately I guess I fucked up her chance of waking up better tomorrow. I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly before meeting her dull gaze. I heard her yawn, I observed her features. Her hair was all messy and kinda frayed everywhere, it was cute. Wait, what?

I shook my head and put my fist in my hand, in realisation. "Want breakfast?" She shook her head (no). Her gaze never left me... Does she hate me now. I heard her voice crack as she tried to say some thing to me. "Wait a sec!" I rushed dashing out the door and down stairs to get her some water. When I came back she gratefully accepted it, her lips were just as pale as ever. "Feeling any better?" I asked hopefully. "No," she pouted crossing her arms, before remembering to pull her mask back down. "Have you been out lately?" She questioned me, "killing?" She continued sounding, a little guilty and upset, she probably really wants to get out. I gave her a pity filled look and her eyes formed a glare.

"Want me to get BEN?" I asked, she might wanna play games with him or Gold, or maybe even Ej, I think he joins in sometimes. She nodded slowly and I got up.

- Narrators p.o.v (I've been waiting to use this) -

Soon BEN was flying up the stairs with Gold and Ej was dashing behind them to get to Rumour's room. They made a quick stop at BEN's room to grab some devices before continuing to her. Her door was open so they let themselves in. Rumour was in the top corner of her of her bed, sitting upright with her back resting on the wall. She was still in her pyjamas and she pet a spot on the bed next to her before everyone climbed on to join her. Ej sat next to her, BEN next to him and Gold on the end. Ej handed her a spare DS, she grabbed it slowly. He kept asking her if she was okay the whole time they gamed, finally after an hour the poor girl felt as if she would throw up if she played any longer and set the device down. She pulled a quilt, that wasn't tucked into the bed, up and over her cold body and rested her head on Ej's shoulder. This time how ever she didn't find any trouble falling asleep.

Ej gazed over her, frowning at her poor shape. She has either refused to eat or had to be forced to, only for that to be thrown up. She looked much thinner and he went to poke her only to find her pyjamas are much baggier then he thought and she is A LOT thinner. He felt bad for her, Jeff mentioned that she might not be in a good mood because she told him to fuck off this morning, he frowned though his eternal smile still grinned. Eyeless didn't want to awaken Rumour after she hasn't been able to fall asleep for a while so when the others left he stayed with her. Eventually it started to become late and Ej felt tired. He put his head back against the wall and pulled the quilt over himself, making sure it was over both of them, his vision finally faded and he nodded off to sleep.

Later that night Jane came to check on Rumour only to find the two asleep. She was a little confused at first but didn't want to wake the sick girl up since she hasn't slept well in days and she looked so peaceful. So instead she put a glass of water on the bedside table, took the other empty glass and turned the lights out.

Later BEN explained what happened to Jane.

It was a bit boring so Ima write the next chapter.
I think I'll make the next one a long one.

1062 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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