"NO, TOM!"

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I got up and dressed as tom lay asleep in bed and headed downstairs for breakfast when tom came down and wrapped his hands around my waist "hey" I said "last day of being a school girl" he whispered into my ear as I leaned into his hug "hmm" I said "do you want some breakfast" he asked "please" I said as I stood in front of the mirror in the hallway "sophie" "yeah" I said "your miles away I asked if you wanted some scrambled eggs" he said "sorry, im miles away yeah sure" I said as he put down the whisk  he was holding and walked over to me "whats the matter" he asked as I sighed "am I fat" I asked "no" he said rather to quickly for my liking "now I know your lying" I said "you have but a bit of wait on" he said and I sighed "i thought so" "soph, don't" "what" "don't you relapse, you've but weight on but your better off for that" he said "you think" I asked "i know" he said kissing y forehead before walking back into the kitchen and cooked breakfast. "we should get going to the school house" tom said and I nodded.

I got to school and stood by my locker as I spotted lula and Harley with a donation bucket "here" I said as I put in a fiver "thanks soph" Harley said as I walked off as someone bumped into me in the hallway "watch it" I said as I turned around and spotted kyle stacks "soph, are you alright you look as white as a sheet" tom said "kyle, kyle stacks hes back" I said and tom headed off in the direction he went. "tom" I said calling after him where I found tom dragging kyle by the ear and slammed him into the lockers "that hurts" kyle said "did you run away or what" tom asked him "ive done my time" "so what are you doing back here have you got some sort of vendetta, is that it" tom asked him as I spotted mr lowsley walking down the hall "your the one with the vendetta, ive got no where else to go" kyle said "is there a problem" mr lowsley asked tom "ive got this one, kyle stack ex-pupil just got out of prison for GBH" tom said "i made a mistake, ive done my time ive been studying inside" he said "erm maybe we shouldn't be turning pupils away" mr lowsley said to tom "we don't want this pupil, hes violent, he fired a crossbow at another pupil, my wife" tom said "sophie im sorry" kyle said "don't talk to her" tom said as they went off to the head's office. "ill sort it soph" tom said kissing me on the forehead and going off to the office.

I headed to English and spotted kyle, you've got to be kidding me i sat at the back of the class as he sat near the front, when barry barry sat next to me "what do you think your doing" i asked him "sitting next to you beautiful" he said "you can stay away from me, you pushed me in front of a car" i said "im sorry, okay can we just put things aside" he asked "i suppose besides its my last day anyways" i said as i made eye contact with tom as he mouthed 'sorry' and i nodded telling him that it was okay. "what happened" i asked him at the end of the lesson "simon lowsley happened, but you seen what happened in class soph hes different" tom said "yeah, but im not sure if that's a good or a bad thing" i said "we neither" he said "your having second thoughts about the donation aren't you, i can read you like a book tom" i said and he nodded "second, third and fourth" he said "you don't have to do it no one would blame you if you backed out" i said. and he looked down "look just don't pressure yourself into something okay" i said "okay" he said. At lunch i headed into town i felt as if i shouldn't be this fat even if i hadn't eaten some crap, i thought that i might be pregnant so i bought a test i stood outside the girls toilets and held the test in my hands "soph" tom called i stuffed the test into he pocket of my blazor "yeah" i said turning round to face him "yeah" i asked "have you seen kyle anywhere" he asked "no" "are you okay, you look pale" he said "im fine" i said and he kissed my forehead.

i opened the test and took it and i sat for  three minutes as i waited for the results, after taking a few minutes i looked down at the test POSITIVE 16+ WEEKS "I Knew it" i said to myself, hold on how long, four months. After school i headed home to get change before i headed back to the auction for grantly, i had to tell tom, but not tonight ill tell him in the morning. I walked through the hall and spotted tom hugging grantly "hey lover boys don't you two have wifes" i said to them "yes and shes looking good" tom said walking over to me "i hear your off to university in a few weeks who would of thought it Sophie mason the girl who was failing every class in year ten off to become a teacher" grantly said "don't worry, i wont be a grumpy old git like you, you have that title" i said as he looked at me in shook "ill be in the hall, ill see you in a bit, i have some news but ill tell you in the morning" i said to tom. I headed to the auction before i headed outside with everyone as fireworks were about to be set off where kyle was on the roof i spotted tom on the roof "tom" i yelled as i placed my hand over my mouth , i watched as tom helped kyle down beofe he slipped ad fell to the ground "NO, TOM" I yelled as i ran over to him as Christine grabbed me round the waist "hes my husband get off me, i have to see him" i said as she let go off me and as i crouched down next to him "tom, please don't you dare die i need to " i said tears forming in my eyes "sophie Patricia  Clarkson, you should know that i love you, i always have loved you since the day you walked into my classroom, full of attitude" he said "and i love you too you got to hold on" i said as he squeezed my hand "tell sammi i love her, tell josh im proud of him" he said as he closed his eyes "tom...tom you got to stay with me i need you" i said "youll be great soph, your a great mum and will be an amazing teacher" he said "i need my husband im pregnant tom" i said and he looked at me "how long" "16 weeks, no wonder i was getting so fat" i said as the ambulance pulled up and he was took away and it was the first time i seen the amount of blood around him.

As we got to the hospital he was took away and i sat in the waiting room crying before i pulled out my phone and rang josh "soph, what is it?" he asked "sometihngs happened, its your dad" i said as i told him everything as i  waited for the doctor. I sat for two hours before the doctor came out "mrs Clarkson,  we've stopped the bleeding on his brain though hes in a coma" "he'll wake up right" i asked "the thing is, its a serious brain injury hes gotten and were not sure if he'll make it through the night  and if he does ever wake up there's a likely chance he'll be paralysed" he said "please hes my husband i cant loose him" i said "were doing all we can" he said "can i see him" i asked and they nodded as i sat with him and held his hand "i need you tom more than youll ever know" isaid as i kissed his hand.


A/N this was meant to be the last chapter, though ive decided to write one more before starting the new book as we'll see if tom makes it and sophier struggle to cope with a pregnancy and her not knowing if her husband will ever wake up.

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