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"are you ready for your exam?" tom asked over breakfast the next morning "yep" josh said "least someone is" I said as I sipped on my coffee "come on soph, you've been revising for weeks, as well as going back and forth to the hospital" josh said "i don't know josh, it just feels as if im going to blow it, like I usually do" I said "soph doll you will be fine, just try not to panic like you normally do" tom said "that's easier said than done" "i know that, sammi is out of hospital in a few days shes healthy and fit so we don't need to go to the hospital to worry, ill go at lunch and you focus on your A-levels, okay?" tom said "alright" I said

I found lauren and josh talking when I got to school "alright" I asked them and they went silent "whats up?" I asked "nothing" they both said and I looked at them "we were just talking about the exam" lauren said "right" I said unconvinced and walked over to finn who was standing against a tree reading "finn" I said "my heads battered after all that with trudi and I have had no revision" he said "well you have us three" I said "id rather be alone" he said "well tough" lauren said as we headed into school. "so I was thinking after this exams, that you've worked so hard for that we should have an takeaway tonight" tom said as I walked down the corridor to my locker "that sounds like a good idea, Chinese" I said "yeah, look doll you've worked hard for this, I know that you'll do fine I know you will" he said "tom I.." "sammi is coming home, you don't need to worry about her" he said "and josh is taking his meds you don't need to worry about him" I said as he nodded and kissed my forehead "your my girl and I love you, good luck for the exam yeah" he said "I love you too" I said before he walked off.

At break I found janeece pacing with her hair curlers in "jan, whats happening" I asked "there you are ive been ringing you" she said I frowned and picked up my phone from in my bag to see, I had 6 missed calls from her " strange it never rang" I said "look we have a problem and as maid of honour I need your help, the reception its been cancelled, theres food poisoning or something im going to have no reception" she said "leave it to me" I said as I turned round and walked into the opposite direction. I headed to the staff room and walked in to see my dad at the kitchen top making a cuppa "dad I need a massive favour" I said as I walked over to him "i don't like the sound of this" he said "its janeece her reception has been cancelled and I thought that we could have it here" I said "sophie, this is a school not a venue" "i know that look she use to be  a student here and what a way for the school to help her on her wedding day" I said "okay fine" he said "thank you daddy ,I love you" I said before walking off to find janeece. I found her in the canteen "jan, good news you have a venue, how about having the reception in your old school" I asked her and she ran over to me and hugged me "your amazing thank you" she said .

I sat in the common room next to finn as he flicked his keys back and forward "will you stop that?" I said and he smirked and carried on "i swear to god finn im going to stuff the keys up your arse" I said "language" mrs diamond said as he stood behind us "finn, can I have a word" "sure" he said "its about trudi shes had a miscarriage" she said and finn and I looked at her "she was pregnant?" I asked "yes, she was come with me finn" she said leading finn off. I headed off to the hallway to see janeece in her wedding dress "wow" I said to her "thanks" she said "i know I cant be there for the wedding cause of this exam but ill be here still" I said as I walked outside to see a limousine waiting for her to take her off to the wedding.

I headed to the hall and sat in my seat for the exam as tom stood at the front of the hall, he made eye contact with me and I smiled back. lauren to a seat to my left and to her right was josh  "you have two hours turn your papers over, your exam starts now" tom said. sighing I turned over my paper soo josh started talking to himself before he lay on the floor "is he okay?" I asked lauren as tom went over to try and get him off the floor "don't touch me" josh yelled as to lead him out of the hall. "hes stop taking his meds" lauren said "what" I said as we ran out of the hall "girls back inside" my dad said though we ignored him "lauren tell them" I said "i should of said earlier but josh has stopped taking his medication" she said "since when" tom asked "about a week" she said "why have you stopped taking your meds" tom asked him "no, no get away from me don't touch me cant you see" josh said "see what" tom said "ive got the plague, make it go away" he said "make what go away let me help you" tom said as me and lauren stood watching. "cant you hear them" he asked "hear what josh?" tom asked, this was awful he wanted to help his son but he didn't know how. "is the nursery rhyme, the one about the plague they've been singing it everywhere I go" josh said tom went to hug him but josh pushed him away "i said don't touch me, your going to catch something cant you see" josh said "please josh, let me help you" tom said as the sound of sirens went off in the background "who called an ambulance" tom asked as miss boston stepped forward "i did its for his own sake" she said "its okay, no ones going to hurt you I promise" tom said to josh as he cried. This is unbearable.

we went outside being joined by the rest of the school as I watched tom struggled to get josh in the back of an ambulance, I didn't realise I was crying until finn hugged me. "there your family soph, your bound to be upset" he said. I headed home later that night to see tom watching josh's  to stay with him but theres no point" he said "yeah" "i was just watching his media film, he was in a bad way how did I not see it" "tom its not your fault" I said "isn't it, I knew something wasn't right and I let it go ,backed off I should of been right on it" "you weren't to know" "i should of, talking of stupid exams when my boy needed me" he said I sat next to him on the sofa "we've had a lot on tom, your a great dad, we all know it, josh knows it too" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder "he just needs to get better and he will" I said as he turned into me and hugged me before crying no my shoulder "i feel like ive failed him" he said "you haven't baby, you haven't" I said. i pulled out my phone and text janeece apologising for not being in there and telling her how sorry i was to her about craig, ditching her and robbing her. before i headed back in the living room to comfort tom.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 2Where stories live. Discover now