A lost ring

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I woke up later than usual it was just after seven i noticed that the bed was empty tom must already be up i got out of bed and headed downstairs  to see tom was feeding her breakfast "look who it is its mummy" tom said to sammi "hi baby" i said kissing her head and i walked over to tom ad kissed  him "hi" i said to him "i made breakfast, there bacon on the cooker" he said "your amazing, tom" i said as i headed over to the cooker "so, how about we go out tonight" he asked "well what about sammi" i asked "don't worry josh said he'd watch her, besides i want some time with my fiancée" he said and i smiled as i walked over to him.

i got to school and  headed to the common room where i spotted josh "hey joshy" i said as i sat down next to him "soph, guess what" he asked "what" i said "the shrinks signed me off being i don't have to see her every week" "oh well done" i said to him "yeah, my dads going to be so happy" he said "are you ready for this university application" i asked him "oh yeah, call centre workshop im buzzing" he said "so where are you planning on applying" he asked "i don't know, it will have to be close to home with sammi and everything" "not really, i mean my dad would go anyway with you" he said "no, he loves his job he wouldn't give it up" i said. As we headed to the workshop before josh got pulled out as tom walked in to speak to him. "you okay" i asked him as he came back in and sat back down "no, i don't know how you deal with that man" he said "whats he done" i asked him "he doesn't believe im good enough for Oxbridge" he said.

At break i walked out to find my dad and tom were talking in the hall "whats going on?" i asked them "nothing" they both said at the same time "hmm and your acting secretive because.." i asked then and neither of them said anything. i sat in the hall as i had a free when josh  came up to me "you not doing this call thing" he asked "no, defiantly not" i said "not your thing" he asked "something like that" i said "soph, where your engagement ring" he said pointing to my hand i looked and noticed my ring was missing "shit, toms going to kill me" i said as i looked around me to see if my ring was around and walked back to the hall where we were this morning and had no luck "shit, shit fucking shit" i said to myself. I walked down the hallway to see tom "shit" i said to myself "hey" he said as he walked ver to me and kissed me i smiled at him "i thought you were doing that workshop with josh" "no, id rather go to uni" i said "are you sure, it could be a great opportunity for you soph" he said "i think you know its not for me tom" "come on library time to go over your application" he said as i followed him in the library and sat next to josh "did you find your ring?" he asked "no, and i haven't told your dad so keep it shut" i said. Tom found me at the end of the day "so how about a wedding" he asked "oh yeah" i said as we walked inot the school house "can you believe that budgen is getting married before us" i asked "tell me about it" i said "wheres your ring" he asked as he looked at my hand "i...i lost it im sorry tom" "don't worry about it" he said as we watched the ceremony take place. After the ceremony tom pulled me inside the lounge "can i have everyones attention please" he said as he silenced the room ad got down on one knee "what are you doing?" i asked him "sophie patricia mason, i have loved you ever since i set eyes on you and i know that i proposed in Rochdale but here i am doing it probably in Scotland, so what do you say will you marry me?" he asked "of course i will" i said as he slipped on the engagement ring that i had lost "you took it" i asked him "of course i needed a ring and I had to ask your dads permission" "you old fashion sod" i said as i kissed him.

"so i heard about Manchester?" i said to josh as me and tom walked up to us "ill make you proud, both of you" josh said "you already have son" tom said as i picked sammi up from the pushchair.

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