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"Are you sure" tom asked the following morning when i told him i was pregnant "im sure tom, i took three tests last night and they all say pregnant, hows that for sure" i said as pulled my hair through my fimngers and began to cry "hey, its okay" he said "i don't know if im ready for another child" i said "im here, okay whatever happens im your husband and ill be here everystep of the way even if you decided to have an abortion" "you cant mean that tom, i mean after lorna aborted your baby...i couldn't do that anyways whats done is done...i guess this is the worlds way of saying be more careful while having sex" "you think we would fo learnt after sammi" "tom said "yeah, but once we got married we agreed we didn't need condoms sinc ewe were married and we just relied on your jab i guess it ran out early" he said "yeah" i said "so how are you planning on telling your mum" he asked "i might wait a few years get the kid to do it" i said and he smirked "what so the kid gets the backlash" "yeah"

i got to school and spotted Imogen and Connor kissing on "get a room" i said as i walked to my locker and jumped my bag in it "i cant believe you forgiven him after what he did t oyou, my mum would go ape" dynasty said "ditto, and mine lives more than 200 miles away" i said as Imogen wnet quiet "you have told her haven't you" dynasty asked and Imogen never said anything "Imogen" i said walking after her as she walked down the hall. I went ot first period when a wave of nausea hit me "miss, can i go to the bathroom" i asked miss diamond "are you okay sophie?" she asked me "i just feel sick" i said and i stood up and rushed to the bathroom before throwing up. After a while i stood up and went out into the hallway to see my dad standing there "you look like you've seena ghost" i said to him "im going to be a dad" he said "news check you already are a dad" i said "no, you know what i mean chrsitine, she might to be pregnant" he said "andwhat are you going to do about it?" "pardon" "i mean are you going to talk to her or are you going to abandoned her and the baby then turn up once it turns eighteen" I said "soph...i..." he said and i walked off.

After lunch i headed to the lecture hall and sat next to tom "you okay" he asked me " fine" i said as i felt a nickling in my side and i watched the PRU presentations i sat and watched the presentations as barry barry stood up "oh boy" i said as he took to the stae and pulled out a scroll full of his owndrawings of teachers "is that you?" i said to tom and his eyes went wide as he looked at the animated drawing of himself "brilliant...this is just brilliant" i said chuckling to myself. After the presentation i went to the vending machine and got a bottle of water out and took a drink i was feeling dizzy, and lightheaded when tom walked over to me "are you okay" he said putting his arm on mine i looked at him and i was seeing double then i collapsed.

Toms p.o.v

i looked over at sophie who was standing by the vending machine she looked pale,and she looked as if she was ill i walked over to her and rested my hand on her arm "are you okay?" i aksed her just before she collapsed i caught her and she feel into my arm "someone help" i shouted as a ambulance was called and we were soon at the hospital where i stood pacing the hallway waiting for news about sophie, my sophie, my wife if anything happens to her i don't know how i would cope. "mr Clarkson" the doctor called "how is she? how is my wife?" i aksed him "ive ran sonme tests on your wife and theres some complications ive spoken to sophie and shes aware of it all, it seems your wife has some sort of infection" "what do you mean" "i mean that this infection could kill both your wife and the baby if your wife doesn't go through with the operation" he said and i looked at him "can i see her" i asked him and he nodded.

sophies p.o.v

i sat in the bed as tom came in the room "tom" i said and he walked over to me and hugged me and i startd to cry "im scarred tom" i said as he hugged me tighter "its okay" he said as he took a seat next to me "how, i might die tom" i said "i know" he said biting his lip and i noticed tears in his eyes "i think you need to have the operation" he said and i nodded. soon i was strapped up and ready to go off to theatre "tom" i said as i took his hand "im here doll" "if i die" "don't"  "no, if i die look after our baby tell sammi how much i loved her and don't let her forget me, and just know that i love you and your the best thing that's ever happened to me and just know i don't regret a thing" i said as he kissed me he had tears running down my face "i love you sophie Clarkson" he said "i love you more tom Clarkson" i said "not possible" he said.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant