Michaels past

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I got up and dressed as I heard sammi crying "ill get her" tom said getting out of bed "thanks baby" I said as I brushed my hair I headed downstairs to see sammi sitting in her high chair "hi baby" I said to her and she smiled up at me "ad hi baby" I said walking up to tom and kissing him "okay gross" josh said as he sat at the table "oh didn't see you thre josh" I said "yeah you were too busy chewing my dads face off" he said "im off, anyways and stop it you two we don't need another baby round here" he said a she picked up his back and headed to the door "who said anything about babies I mean as long as were careful" tom said wrapping his hands around my waist "soph, this is for you" josh said as he came back into the kitchen and placed a brown envelope on the table "where you get that" i asked him "It was posted through the letterbox he has no stamp so they must of delivered it by hand" he said as I picked up the envelope and opened it "what is it" tom asked as I looked down and frown "a old newspaper article, its about my dad he beat his dad up, when he was younger" I said as I passed him the article and he read through it "im going to sort sammi out" I said picking her up from the highchair and heading up to the nursery.

we drove into school in silence "soph doll, are you okay?" tom asked as we parked in the car park "im fine" I said he took my hand and shifted so he was facing me "Michael is not violent, you know that" he said "do I, do I really tom I mean I don't even know him not really this man is my father and I barely know a thing about him, for all I know he could be just like Christophe" I said "no, don't go there you know hes nothing like that monster, what he did to you was unforgivable sophie, Michael is your dad and you know that, he might have a reason for it all" "what, for beating his dad and leaving him for dead" "yes, hes your dad talk to him soph, its the only way your going to know" he said and I nodded before I got out the car and picked sammi up "here, ill take her" tom said stretching his arms out "ill see you later" I said kissing his lips. I walked into the school to see josh, Tariq and phoenix "ah soph, I didn't recognise you without being attached to my dads face" josh said "ha funny aren't you" I said as I took a seat next to him "hello stranger" came a voice from behind "oh my god maddi" I said running up to her and hugging her "what are you doing here" josh asked "my mum was getting annoying, needy doesn't come close" she said "what so you decided to pack up and move 200 miles up north" he said "well you know what they say change is as good as the rest" she said.

First period I headed to English with tom "Tariq what about you" tom asked him I wasn't even paying attention "that he has as much dress sense as you" Tariq said ad everyone laughed I looked at tom and smirked at him as too say told you so. At break tom found me "have you spoken o your dad yet" he asked me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his classroom "no, Ive had lessons all morning why" I asked "here" he said as he handed me the article that had been enlarged "where did you get this" I asked him "they've been printed all over the school" he said "great" "look ill deal with it, ill take them down , you talk to your dad" he said as the bell went "look ive got art now ill speak to him later okay" I said kissing him and rushing out of the class.

"why did you do it?" I asked my dad as I walked into his office just before lunch "i had my reasons sophie" he said "is that it, is that all your going to say you told me you fell out over some poxy Christmas fight" I said "some things are private soph" he said as he carried on with the work in front of him "private? im your daughter you should of told me this instead of me having to find out when this is stuffed through my letter box" I said "who sent it to you" "i don't know, it had my name on it had on stamp so the person obviously knows where I live, I felt like an idiot everyone is asking me questions and I don't know what to say dad, tom is asking questions what do I say" "ignore them, or tell them the truth that's its private and you don't know" he said "what do you think ive been saying all morning, that I don't know cause I don't, look I thought you wanted a relationship with me that involves you being honest with me and whenever your ready come ad find me, yeah" I said as I rushed out of the office.

Afterwards I walked off to the common room to find Tariq he was with josh "there you are" josh said "sorry, I had things to deal with" "byrne" said scout "yeah" I said "do you thing that Tariq is acting weird" josh asked "so im not the only one thinking that" I said "come on" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me into toms classroom "honestly you two need to stop doing that, dragging me around as if im a ragdoll yes I might be small but still" I said "sorry soph" josh said "sorry" tom said "dad, can we have a word its about Tariq hes acting all weird, its like hes disconnected from everyone, everything" josh said "is he not bothered about the kayaking" tom asked "yeah, its all he ever talks about" josh said "josh he hasn't been the same since the accident its obviously hard on him, hes not going to be the same again" I said "its called focusing josh" tom said "this is serious dad" josh said "look im sure Tariq will be glad your looking out for him but" "forget it" josh said as he stormed out "josh" tom called as I sat back on the desk "you okay" tom asked me "i don't know" I said rubbing my forehead he stood up and walked over to me "did you talk to your dad" he asked me "yeah, he practically said that it was none of my business" I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"where are you going?" I asked dad after lunch "ah sophie you can come and meet the man that posted that article through your door" he said as he headed towards he car I got in with him and he drove to the near by pub "this sophie is the head of Havelock high, mr Findlay" he said as he walked up to the bar "i thought that you should meet my door probably I mean you seem to already know where she and my granddaughter lives as you posting things through her door" dad said "your a dangerous man you shouldn't be aloud anyone near kids" Findlay said to dad "and your a bitter old drunk" I said "this is about you and your prefect ego and this is the perfect thing to bring it down" he said to dad "it was a one off" "so your dad said" "whats he said?" dad asked "no, im not going to betray a trust of confidence" "id quit while your ahead" he said as Findlay took off his glasses placing them on the bar "you going to duff me up, show us your true colours" "this is childish" dad said "i get it your a lover not a fighter, must take after your mum then" "i beg your pardon" "couldn't keep her knickers on according to your dad, and what I hear your daughter is the same she got knocked up by her English teacher didn't you sweetheart" he said to me "let me at him" I said as I ran to push him but dad grabbed me by the waist "come it sophie" he said "i see where see gets the anger from" Findlay said "go wait by the car" dad said and I headed out of the pub before I smacked him.

"we have a problem" dad said as we got in the car "its Tariq hes going to kill himself" dad said "what" I said "i dont have time to drop you off to school soph, your going to have to come with me" he said as he drove off up to the kayatting range. once we got up there we found tom who was by the car "what are you two doing here?" he asked as dad explained about the video "he seemed fine to me" tom said as we noticed Tariq out in the water by himself "tom, his phone" I said as I pointed to the phone in the wheelchair I stood with tom on the dock and held his hand tightly I was trying to keep away from the water, I was scared off water, scared of drowning and because of that its the reason im nineteen and cant swim. "its okay" tom said to me as dad jumped into the water and saved Tariq "thank god" I said to myself as tom pulled me into a hug and I clutched his jacket "its okay" he repeated "can we get away from the water" I asked "sure" he said. we got back to school when dad came over to me "can I have a word in my office please, Sophie?" he said "sure" I said "ill go pick sammi up" tom said as I followed him off to the office.

"i think I owe you an explanation" he said as we got into the office "bottling up isn't going ot help" I said "im not bottling it up, I feel n guilt no remorse" he said "you cant be serious" "my father got everything he deserved, that man beat my mother like clockwork shoes not polished enough the belt, dinner too hot, too cold the back of the hand, do you want me to go on?" he said "i had no idea things were like that, shes not the only one that was beaten I was by the man I thought was my father" I said "you know if I had any idea she was pregnant I would of stayed with her, been part of your life all I can say is hes lucky he killed himself or I would of killed him for hurting you, my little girl" "why didn't she leave him" I asked "she didn't want him to start on me, she always made sure I was in my bed when he got home from the pub out of sight, she waited never but up a fight I would lie there listening and there was nothing I could do cause he was bigger than me, than one day I was bigger than him, my only regret is that I didn't finish the job" he said "you don't mean that" "dot I" " you talking about murder, taking someones live" "that's not someone, its that mine my father, your grandfather what I did to him doesn't make me a monster" "ill have to take your word for it" I said as I walked out of the office.

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