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"are you sure your ready to go back?" tom asked me  "i know ive been ill but tom its the last day off term I want to go back, hang out with my friends" I said as I sat at the kitchen table and sat sammi on my knee "if your sure" he said as josh walked into the kitchen "look who it is sammi, its joshy your big brother" I said as she squealed with happiness "how you feeling" I asked josh "good" he said as he sat down and butter a piece of toast "come on you two, were going to be late" tom said as he walked into the kitchen with a suit for josh for the prom "it will be like you were never away" tom said to josh as there was a knock at the door and tom went to answer it to see finn "josh, I owe you an apologise I haven't been a good enough mate and im sorry" he said "that putting it lightly" I said "quiet you" tom said. "come on we should get going" I said as I stood up with sammi on my hip.

"Are you going to prom?" lauren asked me as I stood in the hallway "no" "why not" "i haven't got anything to where" I said "im sure that you'll find something" she said "no, ive got baby weight and nothing fits loz, so prom is out of the window" I said as we walked to assembly I spotted tom standing by the door looking miserable "did sammi settle in the crèche okay?" I asked him "yeah" he said "what the matter" I asked him "your going to find out in a minute, there closing he school down" "what, that just great" I said "ill be out of the job" tom said "what are we going to do, I mean we need your wage for food and clothes, nappies,  formula ill have to get a job" I said "no, you don't im telling you now soph your not going back to the strip joint and that's the end of the conversation" he said. I stood next to lauren as dad announced that the school was going to be closed down and we were going to be placed at alternative schools.

I sat in the common room as tom walked "hey" he said as he sat next to me "how the meeting go?" I asked "terrible, theres no sign of another job not being deputy head" he said "we cant afford this" "and its worse, some of the students have been replaced schools" "any idea where im going" I asked "the thing is cause of your past soph, your trouble apparently no school wants to take you" he said "of course they don't, just because I use to be a bit violent im practically being kicked out of my education, its not fair" I said "i know". At lunch I sat in the hall as finn sat next to me before he and trudi kissed and the whole canteen cheered for them "and im done with my chips" I said before I pushed my plate away "sophie" lauren said running up to me "yeah" I said "i have something to show you" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me away "where are we going" I asked her "its a surprise" she said as she pulled me into the changing rooms "i have something for you" she said as she handed me a white dress "loz, you didn't have to" I said "i did, your about the same size as me now and I want you at the prom so here we are" she said "the proms been cancelled" I said "not anymore, we decided to have it anyways just don't tell anyone, the teachers don't know we thought it be a way to say goodbye" she said

At the end of the day we got to gate as my dad came over to us "we cant save this school but we can take some of you with us, if you want to come" "where?" shona asked "Scotland, we can provide accommodation" he said "there will be a coach trip through the holidays then you can decide" dad said before the gates opened and everyone walked out as I walked out I hung my tie on the gate with everyone else "soph?" dad called I turned to face him "i hope that you will come to Scotland, I mean its a fresh start for you" " I don't know it depends on tom" I said "i was hoping tom would come as well" he said. I headed home to get changed when tom walked in with josh "you look beautiful" tom said as I stood at the bottom of the stairs "thanks" I said josh came rushing through " dad, we need to get back to the school fnns going to get hurt, the proms back on" he said "i guess that where you were off" tom said as he grabbed his coat "maybe" I said

we got to the school and headed to the prom which was in the hall when out of the corner of my eye I spotted kyle up on the stage with a crossbow "finn" I said as I pushed him out of the way as I was hit in the rib by the crossbow and fell to the ground "sophie" tom shouted running over to me I looked to my side to see blood oozing over my white dress I placed my hand onto the blood stained dress as my dad ran off, after kyle im guessing "call an ambulance now" tom yelled as I flinched in pain. soon I was carted off to hospital in a stretcher as finn came in and stood with me "soph, I cant believe you did that after everything you've been through with the baby you were there for me" he said "don't mention it" I said "i love you sophiekins" he said kissing me on the cheek as tom came in the ambulance and sat next to me.

two weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

my mum was looking after sammi since she wasn't moving to Scotland and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her before we left. I walked into the school yard and passed the sign for 1 bedroom apartments that the school was going to be turned into I walked hand in hand with tom and josh was trailing behind "hows the ribs Sophie" my dad asked me "you know I few stitches I said as I got onto the couch and sat next to tom. "sir can we stopped at the boarder" denzil asked "please sir I've never been abroad I want to send a picture to my nan" he said. soon we stood in front of the boarder at Scotland I stood next to my dad and in front of tom and josh as we got a photo taken "did you just propose to me?" Maggie asked mr budgen  "aww my god sir" I said "if you want to marry me, get down on one knee" she said to him and he did "Margaret, would you do me the honour of being my wife" he asked I smirked and turned to tom "reminds me off someone else proposing though that was in he cooler" I said to him " I think I just screwed your brains out by then" he said and I nudged him "LOOK OUT" dad yelled as a lorry headed in our direction I let out a scream then everything went dark.

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